首页 汉字



1. zhègòuyǔnyuángōngxièlòuxìnfǒujiānghuìbèifēngkǒu

This institution does not allow employees to disclose confidential information without permission, otherwise they will be silenced.

2. wèilebǎogōngdeshāngsuǒyǒuyuángōngdōubèiyāoqiúqiānshǔbǎoxiébìngjiēshòufēngkǒu

To protect the company's business secrets, all employees are required to sign a confidentiality agreement and be sealed.

3. zàitíngshàngzhèngrénjiēshòufēngkǒunéngxièlòuànjiànderènjié

In court, witnesses must be silenced and cannot disclose any details of the case.

4. zhèxiàngzuòhuǒbànjīngqiānshǔlebǎoxiébìngjiēshòulefēngkǒu

The project's partners have signed a confidentiality agreement and have been sealed.

5. wèilemiǎnxièlòuzhòngyàoxìnzhègōngshíxíngleyándefēngkǒuzhì

To avoid leaking important information, the company has implemented a strict sealing system.

6. zàixuéshíyànzhōngzhìyuànzhěqiānshǔbǎoxiébìngjiēshòufēngkǒu

In medical experiments, volunteers must sign a confidentiality agreement and be sealed.

7. zhèzhènggòujīngduìzhèshìjiànjìnxínglefēngkǒuhuìzàigōngkāirènxìn

This government agency has sealed the case and will not release any more information.

8. zàibǎorényǐndeqíngkuàngxiàgōngduìyuángōngderénxìnjìnxíngfēngkǒu

In protecting personal privacy, the company must seal employees' personal information.

9. shèguójiāānquándexìnbèifēngkǒubǎoguójiā

Information related to national security must be sealed to protect national interests.

10. gēnguīdìngshījiēshòufēngkǒunéngxièlòudexìn

According to legal regulations, lawyers must be sealed and cannot disclose client information.

11. wèilebǎozhīshíchǎnquángōngduìyánrényuánjìnxíngfēngkǒu

To protect intellectual property rights, companies must be sealed to research and development personnel.

12. zàiqiānshǔbǎoxiéhòuyuángōngjiēshòufēngkǒunéngxièlòugōngdeshāng

After signing the confidentiality agreement, employees must be sealed and cannot disclose the company's business secrets.

13. zàidiàocháshègōnggāoguǎndeànjiànshíshījiēshòufēngkǒu

When investigating cases involving company executives, lawyers must be sealed.

14. zàibǎoxiāofèizhěyǐndeqíngkuàngxiàgōngduìxìnjìnxíngfēngkǒu

In protecting consumer privacy, companies must seal customer information.

15. wèilebǎoliáodeyǐnyuànduìbìngrénxìnjìnxíngfēngkǒu

To protect the privacy of medical records, hospitals must seal patient information.

16. zàiyánjiūshèxìndexiàngshíyánjiūrényuánjiēshòufēngkǒu

When researching projects involving confidential information, researchers must be sealed.

17. zàibǎogōngdeshēngxíngxiàngdeqíngkuàngxiàgōngduìyuángōngxíngwéijìnxíngfēngkǒu

In protecting the company's reputation and image, the company must be sealed to employee behavior.

18. zàichǔmǐngǎnxìnshízhènggòujiēshòufēngkǒu

When dealing with sensitive information, government agencies must be sealed.

19. zàibǎodeqíngkuàngxiàshīduìxìnjìnxíngfēngkǒu

In protecting client interests, lawyers must be sealed to client information.

20. wèilebǎogōngdejìngzhēngyōushìyuángōngjiēshòufēngkǒunéngxièlòugōngdeshāng

To protect the company's competitive advantage, employees must be sealed and cannot disclose the company's business secrets.


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