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1. zhèfángjiānyǒuzhǐcāngyíng。- There's a fly in this room.

2. 苍蝇总是在食物上转来转去。- Flies are always buzzing around food.

2. tǎoyàncāngyíngmenzǒngshìrànggǎndàoěxīn。- I hate flies- they always make me feel sick.

4. 这只苍蝇一直在我的鼻子前面飞来飞去。- This fly keeps buzzing around in front of my nose.

3. shìcāngyínggǎnzǒudànzǒngshìhuílái。- I tried to shoo the fly away- but it kept coming back.

6. 我们需要打开窗户,让这些苍蝇离开。- We need to open the window and let these flies out.

4. zhècāntīngyǒutàiduōdecāngyíngxiǎngzàiláile。- There are too many flies in this restaurant- I don't want to come back.

8. 每当我看到苍蝇,我就会想起夏天。- Whenever I see a fly, it reminds me of summer.

5. zhèzhǐcāngyíngkùnzàilepíngzi。- The fly is trapped in the bottle.

10. 我们需要清理厨房,以防止苍蝇滋生。- We need to clean the kitchen to prevent flies from breeding.

6. menyòngcāngyíngpāilezhǐtǎoyàndecāngyíng。- We killed the annoying fly with a fly swatter.

12. 食物上的苍蝇可能会传播疾病。- Flies on food can spread diseases.

7. menzàihuāyuánfànglecāngyíngzhǐláifángzhǐcāngyíng。- We put up fly paper in the garden to prevent flies.

14. 在农场里,有很多苍蝇和蚊子。- There are a lot of flies and mosquitoes on the farm.

8. menyīnggāishígàihǎofángzhǐcāngyíng。- We should cover the food to prevent flies.

16. 这些苍蝇已经让我烦透了。- These flies are really getting on my nerves.

9. menyàoxiūchuāngfángzhǐcāngyíngjìnlái。- We need to fix the windows to prevent flies from getting in.

18. 那个男孩一直在用苍蝇拍打苍蝇。- The boy kept swatting flies with a fly swatter.

10. menyīnggāitǒngfàngzàishìwàifángzhǐcāngyíng。- We should put the trash cans outside to prevent flies.

20. 我们在室内放了芳香剂,以驱赶苍蝇。- We put air freshener inside to repel flies.


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