首页 汉字



1. menzhījiānyǒuyuēdìngyàosuí便biànxièlòugōng

We have an agreement between us: not to disclose company secrets casually.

2. menchénglekǒutóuyuēdìngdànméiyǒuqiānshǔrènwénjiàn

They reached a verbal agreement, but didn't sign any documents.

3. menzūnshǒumenzhījiāndeyuēdìngyàoràngzhèhuàxièlòuchū

We must abide by our agreement not to let this plan leak out.

4. menzhījiāndeyuēdìngshìměiyuèdōuyàojiāofènbàogào

Our agreement is to submit a report at the end of each month.

5. menyàozhìdìngfènmíngquèdeyuēdìngquèbǎomendeshòudàobǎo

We need to come up with a clear agreement to ensure our interests are protected.

6. menzhījiānyǒuyuēdìngguǒyǒuwènchūxiànmenhuìshítōngzhīduìfāng

We have an agreement between us that if any issues arise, we will notify each other promptly.

7. menzhījiāndeyuēdìngshìzàixiàzhōuzhīqiánwánchéngzhèxiàng

Our agreement is to complete this project by next Friday.

8. menyàozhìdìngfènxiángdeyuēdìngquèbǎomendezuòshùnjìnxíng

We need to draw up a detailed agreement to ensure our cooperation runs smoothly.

9. menzhījiāndeyuēdìngshìyàozàihuìshàngduànbiérényán

Our agreement is not to interrupt others during meetings.

10. menyàozūnshǒumenzhījiāndeyuēdìngyàozàigōngzuòshíjiān使shǐyòngshèjiāoméi

We need to follow our agreement not to use social media during work hours.

11. menzhījiāndeyuēdìngshìměitiānzǎoshàngjiǔdiǎnkāishǐgōngzuò

Our agreement is to start work at 9am every morning.

12. menzūnshǒumenzhījiāndeyuēdìngyàozàigōngnèitánlùnzhèngzhì

We must adhere to our agreement not to discuss politics within the company.

13. menzhījiānyǒuyuēdìngměiyuèdōuyàokāituánduìhuì

We have an agreement to hold a team meeting once a month.

14. menyàozhìdìngfènmíngquèdeyuēdìngquèbǎoměirénderèndōudàoluòshí

We need to come up with a clear agreement to ensure everyone's responsibilities are implemented.

15. menzhījiāndeyuēdìngshìyàozàigōngzuòshíjiānréndiànhuà

Our agreement is not to make personal calls during work hours.

16. menzūnshǒumenzhījiāndeyuēdìngyàozàigōngnèi使shǐyòngxìngyán

We must comply with our agreement not to use offensive language within the company.

17. menzhījiānyǒuyuēdìngguǒyǒurènwènmenhuìshítōngzhī

We have an agreement that if there are any problems, we will notify each other promptly.

18. menyàozhìdìngfènxiángdeyuēdìngquèbǎomendezuòshùnjìnxíng

We need to draw up a detailed agreement to ensure our cooperation runs smoothly.

19. menzhījiāndeyuēdìngshìzàihuìshàngyàozūnzhòngměiréndejiàn

Our agreement is to respect everyone's opinions during meetings.

20. menzūnshǒumenzhījiāndeyuēdìngyàozàigōngnèichuányáoyán

We must adhere to our agreement not to spread rumors within the company.


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