1. 他是一个一直在奋斗的人。
He is a person who is always striving.
2. 奋斗是每个人的责任。
Struggling is the responsibility of everyone.
3. 我们要勇敢地奋斗下去。
We have to bravely struggle on.
4. 他用自己的奋斗成就了一番事业。
He has achieved a career through his own struggle.
5. 在这个竞争激烈的社会里,我们必须奋斗。
In this competitive society, we must struggle.
6. 他一直在努力奋斗,终于取得了成功。
He has been struggling hard and finally achieved success.
7. 奋斗是我们的责任和使命。
Struggle is our responsibility and mission.
8. 只有不断奋斗,才能不断进步。
Only by constantly struggling can we make progress.
9. 在生活中,我们要不断奋斗,不断进步。
In life, we need to constantly struggle and make progress.
10. 她用自己的努力奋斗成就了一番事业。
She has achieved a career through her own hard work.
11. 他一直在为自己的梦想而奋斗。
He has been struggling for his dream.
12. 她是一个永不放弃,一直在奋斗的人。
She is a person who never gives up and always struggles.
13. 我们要为了自己的梦想而不断奋斗。
We must constantly strive for our dreams.
14. 他的奋斗精神鼓舞了我们大家。
His spirit of struggle has inspired all of us.
15. 她用自己的努力奋斗成就了一番事业。
She has achieved a career through her own hard work.
16. 奋斗是一种态度,也是一种力量。
Struggle is an attitude and also a strength.
17. 他一直在为了自己的目标而奋斗。
He has been struggling for his own goals.
18. 奋斗是成功的必经之路。
Struggle is the only way to success.
19. 我们要团结一心,共同奋斗。
We must unite and struggle together.
20. 不要轻言放弃,让我们一起奋斗。
Don't give up easily, let's struggle together.
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