1. 我们一起去探寻这座城市的美丽风景。
Let's explore the beautiful scenery of this city together.
2. 他们决定去探寻这片未知的森林。
They decided to explore the unknown forest.
3. 我们将探寻这个神秘地方的秘密。
We will uncover the secrets of this mysterious place.
4. 他们花了一整天的时间探寻这座古老的城堡。
They spent the whole day exploring the ancient castle.
5. 他们计划明年夏天去探寻南极。
They plan to explore the Antarctic next summer.
6. 孩子们兴奋地开始了他们的探寻之旅。
The children excitedly began their exploration journey.
7. 他们决定租一辆车,去探寻这个国家的各个角落。
They decided to rent a car and explore every corner of the country.
8. 探寻未知的领域是人类永恒的追求。
Exploring the unknown is a timeless pursuit of humanity.
9. 他们在沙漠中探寻了几天,终于找到了他们寻找的宝藏。
After exploring the desert for several days, they finally found the treasure they were looking for.
10. 探寻神秘的遗迹是考古学家的主要工作。
Exploring mysterious ruins is the main work of archaeologists.
11. 他们决定去探寻这片未知的海域。
They decided to explore the unknown sea area.
12. 探寻自己的内心是每个人都应该去做的事情。
Exploring one's own heart is something that everyone should do.
13. 探寻星空的奥秘是天文学家的主要任务。
Exploring the mysteries of the night sky is the main task of astronomers.
14. 我们一起去探寻这个城市的历史和文化。
Let's explore the history and culture of this city together.
15. 他们决定花一年的时间去探寻世界各地的美食。
They decided to spend a year exploring the cuisine of different countries.
16. 探寻未知的领域需要勇气和毅力。
Exploring the unknown requires courage and perseverance.
17. 探寻真相是记者的职责之一。
Exploring the truth is one of the responsibilities of journalists.
18. 我们将不懈地探寻科学的奥秘。
We will tirelessly explore the mysteries of science.
19. 探寻这个神秘的岛屿成为了他们的冒险之旅。
Exploring the mysterious island became their adventure journey.
20. 他们决定租一艘船,去探寻这片未知的海域。
They decided to rent a boat and explore the unknown sea area.
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