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1. zhèliàngchēzàidiāndedàoshàngxíngshǐláifēichángshū

The car is very uncomfortable to drive on bumpy roads.

2. háizimenzàidiāndechēshànghěnnánshuì

The children find it difficult to sleep in the bumpy car.

3. zhèduànzhēnshìdiānkāndōukuàiyùnchēle

This road is so bumpy, I'm getting carsick.

4. zàidiāndeshānshàngzhēnshìzhǒngtiǎozhàn

Riding a horse on bumpy mountain roads is quite a challenge.

5. fēizàidiāndeliúzhōngfēixíngshíchéngmendōugǎndàoān

Passengers feel uneasy when the plane flies through bumpy air currents.

6. deshǒuzàidiāndefēishàngxiěfēichángkùnnán

It's very difficult for her to write on the bumpy plane.

7. zhèliànglǎoshìchēzàidiāndeshàngxíngshǐhěnmàn

The old car drives slowly on the bumpy dirt road.

8. menzàidiāndexiǎochuánshànghuǎngtóuyūnxuàn

We're getting dizzy from the bumpy boat ride.

9. zhèdedàodōushìdiānpíngde

The roads in this area are all bumpy and uneven.

10. chēzizàidiāndeshàngtiàodònglexià

The car jolted on the bumpy road.

11. TThe car bounced along the bumpy road.

12. The bumpy ride made her feel sick.

12. TThe road was so bumpy that the car kept shaking.

14. The passengers were jolted by the bumpy flight.

13. TThe bumpy terrain made it difficult to ride the bike.

16. The truck struggled to navigate the bumpy road.

14. TThe bumpy road caused the driver to lose control of the car.

18. The bumpy track made it hard to walk without stumbling.

15. TThe bumpy ride on the horse made her sore.

20. The bumpy ride on the bus made her nauseous.


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