1. 我们这个地域的气候非常潮湿。
The climate in our region is very humid.
2. 这个地域以农业为主要产业。
This region relies mainly on agriculture as its primary industry.
3. 他们的文化在这个地域非常有影响力。
Their culture has a significant influence in this region.
4. 这个地域的地理条件非常适合种植水稻。
The geographical conditions in this region are very suitable for growing rice.
5. 这个地域的风土人情深深吸引着我。
The local customs and culture in this region deeply attract me.
6. 这个地域的资源非常丰富。
The resources in this region are very abundant.
7. 这个地域的风景如画,吸引了许多游客。
The picturesque scenery in this region attracts many tourists.
8. 这个地域的发展受到地理环境的限制。
The development of this region is limited by its geographical environment.
9. 这个地域的居民以渔业为生。
The residents in this region make a living from fishing.
10. 这个地域的人们以勤劳著称。
The people in this region are known for their hardworking nature.
11. 这个地域的教育水平相对较低。
The education level in this region is relatively low.
12. 这个地域的特色美食吸引了许多食客。
The local delicacies in this region attract many food enthusiasts.
13. 这个地域的历史悠久,有许多古迹。
This region has a long history and many historical sites.
14. 这个地域的民俗风情深受游客喜爱。
The local customs and traditions in this region are beloved by tourists.
15. 这个地域的气候条件对种植水果非常有利。
The climate conditions in this region are very favorable for growing fruits.
16. 这个地域的地理位置使得其成为了交通枢纽。
The geographical location of this region makes it a transportation hub.
17. 这个地域的文化传统需要得到保护和传承。
The cultural traditions in this region need to be protected and passed down.
18. 这个地域的生态环境受到了破坏。
The ecological environment in this region has been damaged.
19. 这个地域的经济发展迅速。
The economic development in this region is rapid.
20. 这个地域的多样性使其成为了独特的旅游目的地。
The diversity of this region makes it a unique tourist destination.
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