1. 我不堪设想如果我没有及时赶到会发生什么事情。
I shudder to think what might have happened if I hadn't arrived in time.
2. 不堪设想的灾难使整个城市陷入了恐慌之中。
The unimaginable disaster plunged the entire city into panic.
3. 我们不堪设想地迷路了,直到天黑才找到回家的路。
We got hopelessly lost and didn't find our way home until it was dark.
4. 不堪设想的暴力事件震惊了整个社区。
The unthinkable violence shocked the entire community.
5. 这座城市经历了一场不堪设想的自然灾害,需要全力恢复。
The city has endured an unimaginable natural disaster and needs to recover.
6. 我们不堪设想地失败了,但是我们不能放弃。
We failed miserably, but we can't give up.
7. 这个国家正在经历一场不堪设想的政治危机。
The country is going through an unimaginable political crisis.
8. 我们不堪设想地迟到了,错过了整个演出。
We arrived hopelessly late and missed the entire performance.
9. 这个小镇曾经历了一场不堪设想的洪水,但现在已经重建了。
The small town once endured an unimaginable flood, but it has now been rebuilt.
10. 不堪设想的事故发生在我们面前,我们无能为力。
The unthinkable accident happened right in front of us, and we were helpless.
11. 这个孩子的遭遇令人不堪设想,我们必须尽一切努力帮助他。
The child's ordeal is unimaginable, and we must do everything we can to help him.
12. 不堪设想的疾病摧毁了她的健康和幸福。
The unimaginable illness destroyed her health and happiness.
13. 在这个不堪设想的情况下,我们必须保持冷静并寻找解决方法。
In this unimaginable situation, we must stay calm and find a solution.
14. 我们不堪设想地迷失在了茫茫大海中。
We were hopelessly lost in the vast ocean.
15. 不堪设想的恶劣天气使我们无法继续前行。
The unimaginable bad weather prevented us from continuing.
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