首页 汉字



1. menjiālewèiyōngrénláizhàoháizizuòjiā

They hired a maid to take care of the children and do the housework.

2. shìwèizhōngchéngdeyōngrénduìjiātíngfēichángzhōngchéng

She is a loyal servant, very devoted to the family.

3. zhèjiǔdiàngōngyōngrénbāngzhùrénjiějuézhǒngwèn

The hotel offers maid service to help guests with various tasks.

4. yōngrénzàijiāzuòfànsǎowèishēngzhàoháizi

The maid cooks, cleans, and takes care of the children in the house.

5. shìwèifēichángyǒujīngyàndeyōngrénchǔzhǒngjiā

She is a very experienced maid who can handle all kinds of household chores.

6. yōngrénzàijiāqīngjiézhěng

The maid is responsible for cleaning and organizing the house.

7. zhèjiājiǔdiàndeyōngrénfēichángzhōudào

The maid service at this hotel is very attentive.

8. yōngréndezhǔrénguānfēicháng

The maid has a very harmonious relationship with her employers.

9. shìwèiqínláodeyōngréncóngbàoyuàngōngzuò

She is a hardworking maid who never complains about her job.

10. yōngrénzàijiābànyǎnzhuózhòngyàodejuéwèijiātínggōngzhǒng

The maid plays an important role in the household, providing various services for the family.

11. menjiālewèiyōngrénláibāngzhùzhàolǎorén

They hired a servant to help take care of the elderly in the family.

12. yōngrénduìjiātíngdegòngxiànshìshìde

The contribution of the maid to the family is not to be overlooked.

13. shìwèizhuāndeyōngrénduìjiāfēichángshàncháng

She is a professional maid who is very skilled in household chores.

14. yōngrénzàijiāzhezhìguānzhòngyàodezuòyòng

The maid plays a crucial role in the household.

15. menlewèiyōngrénláibāngzhùzhàoháizi

We hired a maid to help take care of the children.

16. yōngrénzàijiābànyǎnzhefēichángzhòngyàodejuéwèijiātínggōngzhǒng

The maid plays a very important role in the household, providing various services for the family.

17. shìwèizhōngchéngdeyōngrénduìjiātíngfēichángzhōngchéng

She is a loyal servant, very devoted to the family.

18. zhèjiǔdiàngōngyōngrénbāngzhùrénjiějuézhǒngwèn

The hotel offers maid service to help guests with various tasks.

19. yōngrénzàijiāzuòfànsǎowèishēngzhàoháizi

The maid cooks, cleans, and takes care of the children in the house.

20. shìwèifēichángyǒujīngyàndeyōngrénchǔzhǒngjiā

She is a very experienced maid who can handle all kinds of household chores.


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