1. 这幅画的色彩搭配非常精美。
The color coordination of this painting is very exquisite.
2. 她穿着一身精美的礼服出席了晚宴。
She wore a beautiful gown to the dinner party.
3. 这个古董瓷器非常精美,价值连城。
This antique porcelain is very exquisite and priceless.
4. 她的手工精美的手链吸引了许多人的目光。
Her beautifully crafted bracelet caught the attention of many people.
5. 这座古老的城堡内部装饰精美,令人叹为观止。
The interior decoration of this ancient castle is exquisite and breathtaking.
6. 这家餐厅的装潢非常精美,气氛十分优雅。
The decoration of this restaurant is very exquisite, and the atmosphere is very elegant.
7. 这幅精美的刺绣作品展现了艺术家的高超技艺。
This exquisite embroidery work showcases the artist's superior skills.
8. 她的书法非常精美,字迹工整。
Her calligraphy is very exquisite, with neatly written characters.
9. 这款手表的工艺非常精美,是一件艺术品。
The craftsmanship of this watch is very exquisite, it is a work of art.
10. 这个精美的手工木雕展现了雕刻师的精湛技艺。
This exquisite hand-carved woodwork showcases the carver's superb skills.
11. 她的婚纱非常精美,让她看起来如同仙女一般。
Her wedding dress is very exquisite, making her look like a fairy.
12. 这家酒店的花园布置得非常精美,美不胜收。
The garden of this hotel is beautifully arranged, it is a sight to behold.
13. 这个手工艺品的工艺非常精美,让人惊叹不已。
The craftsmanship of this handicraft is very exquisite, it is amazing.
14. 这幅精美的油画展现了画家的独特视角。
This exquisite oil painting showcases the painter's unique perspective.
15. 她用精美的餐具摆放了一桌丰盛的晚餐。
She set a table with exquisite tableware for a sumptuous dinner.
16. 这座古老的教堂内部装饰精美,充满了历史的痕迹。
The interior decoration of this ancient church is exquisite, full of historical traces.
17. 这个古董首饰非常精美,具有极高的收藏价值。
This antique jewelry is very exquisite and has extremely high collectible value.
18. 这件精美的手工艺品是当地特色的代表作品。
This exquisite handicraft is a representative work of the local characteristics.
19. 她用精美的丝绸布置了整个房间,营造出浪漫的氛围。
She used exquisite silk to decorate the entire room, creating a romantic atmosphere.
20. 这家酒店的装修非常精美,每一个细节都经过精心设计。
The decoration of this hotel is very exquisite, with every detail carefully designed.
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