1. 这个问题涉及到了深重的历史遗留问题。
This issue involves deep-seated historical legacy issues.
2. 他们之间的矛盾根深蒂固,难以化解。
The conflict between them is deep-rooted and difficult to resolve.
3. 这个地区承受着深重的贫困和落后。
This region suffers from deep-seated poverty and underdevelopment.
4. 她心里的痛苦是无法言表的,是那么的深重。
The pain in her heart is indescribable and deeply profound.
5. 这个国家的社会问题非常深重,需要长期的努力来解决。
The social problems in this country are deeply rooted and require long-term efforts to solve.
6. 这个犯罪行为对受害者家庭造成了深重的伤害。
This criminal act has caused deep and lasting harm to the victim's family.
7. 他们的友谊经历了深重的考验,却依然坚不可摧。
Their friendship has endured deep trials and yet remains unbreakable.
8. 这部小说揭示了社会中一些深重的问题。
This novel reveals some deep-seated issues in society.
9. 这个国家的政治腐败问题已经存在了太久,已经变得深重。
The political corruption problem in this country has existed for too long and has become deeply entrenched.
10. 她的忧伤是如此深重,无法轻易抚平。
Her sadness is so deep that it cannot be easily comforted.
11. 这个城市的环境污染问题非常深重。
The environmental pollution problem in this city is very severe.
12. 这个国家的种族歧视问题是一个深重的伤疤。
The racial discrimination problem in this country is a deep scar.
13. 这个团队经历了深重的困难,但最终取得了成功。
This team has gone through deep trials and tribulations, but ultimately achieved success.
14. 这个社区的犯罪问题是如此深重,需要全面的改革。
The crime problem in this community is so deep-seated that it requires comprehensive reform.
15. 她的内心承受着深重的痛苦,却始终坚强面对。
She bears deep pain in her heart, yet remains strong in the face of it.
16. 这个国家的经济困难已经积累了很长时间,是一个深重的问题。
The economic difficulties in this country have accumulated for a long time and are a deep-seated problem.
17. 他的内心承受着深重的孤独和无助。
He bears deep loneliness and helplessness in his heart.
18. 这个社会的不公平现象是如此深重,需要全面的改革。
The unfairness in this society is so deeply rooted that it requires comprehensive reform.
19. 这个地区的战争创伤是如此深重,需要长期的康复和治疗。
The war trauma in this region is so deep that it requires long-term recovery and treatment.
20. 他的言行举止透露出一种深重的内心痛苦。
His words and actions reveal a deep-seated inner pain.
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