1. 他的思路支离破碎,毫无逻辑。
His thoughts are scattered and illogical.
2. 这篇文章支离乱七八糟,读起来让人头疼。
This article is all over the place and headache-inducing to read.
3. 她的回答支离破碎,完全不明白她在说什么。
Her response was disjointed, and I had no idea what she was talking about.
4. 这幅画看起来支离破碎,缺乏整体感。
This painting looks fragmented and lacks cohesion.
5. 他的论点支离破碎,缺乏说服力。
His arguments are disjointed and lack persuasiveness.
6. 这部电影的情节支离破碎,毫无逻辑可言。
The plot of this movie is disjointed and makes no sense.
7. 她的工作态度支离破碎,缺乏一贯性。
Her work attitude is scattered and lacks consistency.
8. 这个项目的执行计划支离破碎,需要重新规划。
The execution plan for this project is fragmented and needs to be reorganized.
9. 他的演讲内容支离破碎,听起来很混乱。
The content of his speech is disjointed and sounds chaotic.
10. 这个故事的情节支离破碎,难以理解。
The plot of this story is disjointed and hard to follow.
11. 他的思绪支离破碎,缺乏条理。
His thoughts are scattered and lack coherence.
12. 这个计划显得支离破碎,需要重新规划。
This plan seems disjointed and needs to be reorganized.
13. 她的回答支离破碎,让人摸不着头脑。
Her response was disjointed and confusing.
14. 这个论点支离破碎,难以令人信服。
This argument is disjointed and not convincing.
15. 这个故事情节支离破碎,难以理解。
The plot of this story is disjointed and hard to understand.
16. 他的思维支离破碎,缺乏逻辑。
His thinking is scattered and lacks logic.
17. 这个项目的规划支离破碎,需要重新设计。
The planning for this project is disjointed and needs to be redesigned.
18. 这篇文章的结构支离破碎,难以理解。
The structure of this article is disjointed and hard to understand.
19. 他的论点支离破碎,缺乏说服力。
His arguments are disjointed and lack persuasiveness.
20. 这个计划执行起来支离破碎,需要重新安排。
The execution of this plan is disjointed and needs to be rearranged.
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