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1. línleyàokāideshíhòucáishídàoduìdeniànzhīshēn

When he was about to leave, I realized how much I missed him.

2. línlemenjuédìngxiāoleyuándìngdehuà

In the end, they decided to cancel the original plan.

3. línlecáixiànwàngledàiqiánbāo

In the end, I realized that I had forgotten to bring my wallet.

4. línlejuédìngfàngzhèxiàng

In the end, I decided to give up on this project.

5. línlerángǎibiànlezhǔ

At the last moment, she suddenly changed her mind.

6. línlemenzhōngzhǎodàoleshīzōngdeháizi

At the last moment, they finally found the missing child.

7. línlecáixiànzhèjuédìngshìcuòde

At the last moment, I realized that this decision was wrong.

8. línlemenjuédìngjiēshòuledejiàn

In the end, they decided to accept my suggestion.

9. línlemenzhōngmíngbáilezhēnxiàng

At the last moment, they finally understood the truth.

10. línlecáixiànjīngcuòguòlezuìhòubānchē

In the end, she realized that she had missed the last bus.

11. línlemenzhōngzhǎodàoleshīsànduōniándejiārén

At the last moment, they finally found their long-lost relatives.

12. línlecáimíngbáiledeyòng

In the end, I understood his intentions.

13. línlemenjuédìngfànglezhèhuà

In the end, they decided to give up on this plan.

14. línlecáixiànjīngcuòguòlehuì

At the last moment, I realized that I had missed the opportunity.

15. línlemenzhōngzhǎodàoleshīsànduōniándepéngyǒu

At the last moment, they finally found their long-lost friend.

16. línlezhōngshídàodecuò

In the end, she finally realized her mistake.

17. línlemenjuédìngchóngxīnkāishǐqiè

In the end, they decided to start over everything.

18. línlemenzhōngwánchénglezhèjiānnánderèn

At the last moment, they finally completed this difficult task.

19. línlecáixiànjīngle

In the end, I realized that I had lost my way.

20. línlemenzhōngjiějuélezhèshǒudewèn

At the last moment, they finally solved this tricky problem.


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