首页 汉字



1. menduìdàitàikuīle

They treated me very unfairly.

2. juédebèikuīdàile

I feel like I've been treated unfairly.

3. zhèjiāgōngzhízàikuīdàimendeyuángōng

This company has been consistently mistreating their employees.

4. juédebèikuīdàilesuǒzhíle

She felt unfairly treated, so she resigned.

5. zhèzhǒngkuīdàishìjiēshòude

This kind of mistreatment is unacceptable.

6. mennéngróngrěnrènxíngshìdekuīdài

We cannot tolerate any form of mistreatment.

7. menduìdàizhēndehěngōngpíng

They really treated me very unfairly.

8. menyīnggāizhànchūláifǎnduìkuīdài

We should stand up against mistreatment.

9. menkuīdàilexiēderén

They mistreated those innocent people.

10. menjuénéngróngrěnkuīdài

We must never tolerate mistreatment.

11. menbǎoxiēbèikuīdàiderén

We must protect those who are mistreated.

12. menzhízàikuīdàigǎndàofēichángsàng

They have been mistreating me and I feel very disheartened.

13. zhèzhǒngkuīdàijīngchítàijiǔle

This kind of mistreatment has been going on for too long.

14. mennéngràngzhèzhǒngkuīdàixià

We cannot let this mistreatment continue.

15. mendekuīdài使shǐgǎndàofēichángfèn

Their mistreatment makes me very angry.

16. menyīnggāizhànchūláiwèibèikuīdàiderénshuōhuà

We should speak up for those who are mistreated.

17. menduìdàitàigōngpíngle

They treated me very unfairly.

18. zhèzhǒngkuīdàishìde

This kind of mistreatment is unreasonable.

19. menkuīdàilexiēzuìruòshìderén

They mistreated the most vulnerable people.

20. menzhìzhǐrènxíngshìdekuīdài

We must put an end to any form of mistreatment.


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