1. 他站在那里,道貌岸然地指责着别人的错误行为。
He stood there, looking stern and dignified, accusing others of their wrongdoings.
2. 她的道貌岸然让人不敢有任何不敬的想法。
Her dignified appearance makes people dare not have any disrespectful thoughts.
3. 在会议上,他以道貌岸然的态度谴责了公司的管理不善。
At the meeting, he condemned the company's poor management with a stern and dignified attitude.
4. 他的道貌岸然的举止给人留下了深刻的印象。
His dignified demeanor left a deep impression on people.
5. 老师以道貌岸然的姿态警告学生不要再犯同样的错误。
The teacher warned the students not to make the same mistake again with a stern and dignified attitude.
6. 他的道貌岸然让人感觉他是一个非常有威严的人。
His dignified appearance makes people feel that he is a very dignified person.
7. 她以道貌岸然的态度拒绝了那个不合适的提议。
She rejected the inappropriate proposal with a stern and dignified attitude.
8. 那位领导以道貌岸然的形象给员工树立了榜样。
The leader set an example for the employees with a stern and dignified image.
9. 他的道貌岸然让人不敢对他有任何不敬的行为。
His dignified appearance makes people dare not show any disrespect towards him.
10. 她的道貌岸然让人觉得她是一个非常有教养的人。
Her dignified appearance makes people feel that she is a very cultivated person.
11. 他的道貌岸然让人感到他是一个非常严肃的人。
His dignified appearance makes people feel that he is a very serious person.
12. 在庭审上,法官以道貌岸然的形象宣布了判决结果。
In the trial, the judge declared the verdict with a stern and dignified image.
13. 她以道貌岸然的态度对待每一个不守规矩的学生。
She treats every unruly student with a stern and dignified attitude.
14. 他的道貌岸然让人觉得他是一个非常有责任感的人。
His dignified appearance makes people feel that he is a very responsible person.
15. 这位领导以道貌岸然的形象要求员工恪守公司的规章制度。
The leader demands that employees abide by the company's rules and regulations with a stern and dignified image.
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