1. 我们暂且不要讨论这个问题。
Let's not discuss this issue for now.
2. 你暂且先等一下,我马上就来。
Please wait for a moment, I will be right there.
3. 我们暂且不要做任何决定,先听听其他人的意见。
Let's not make any decisions for now, let's listen to other people's opinions first.
4. 暂且别离,我们会再见的。
Farewell for now, we will meet again.
5. 我们暂且先不要去旅行,等情况好转再说。
Let's not travel for now, we'll see how things go.
6. 暂且忍耐一下,一切都会好起来的。
Endure for now, everything will get better.
7. 我们暂且保持沉默,等待更多的信息。
Let's remain silent for now and wait for more information.
8. 暂且停下来歇一歇吧。
Let's take a break for now.
9. 我暂且不知道该怎么做。
I don't know what to do for now.
10. 暂且放下工作,来休息一下吧。
Put down the work for now and take a rest.
11. Le
12. Farewell for now, we will meet again.
12. Le
14. Endure for now, everything will get better.
13. L
16. Let's take a break for now.
14. I
18. Put down the work for now and take a rest.
15. Le
20. Farewell for now, we will meet again.
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