1. 他沾染了毒品,导致他的生活完全崩溃了。
He got involved in drugs and it completely ruined his life.
2. 这种病毒很容易沾染其他人。
This virus is easily transmissible to others.
3. 她的名声因为和不良公司沾染而受损。
Her reputation was tarnished by association with the wrong crowd.
4. 那个孩子在玩泥巴的时候把衣服弄沾了。
The child got his clothes dirty while playing in the mud.
5. 在那个地区,许多人都沾染了艾滋病。
Many people in that area have been infected with HIV.
6. 他的手被沾染了油漆。
His hands were stained with paint.
7. 这种疾病很容易沾染到其他家庭成员。
This disease is easily transmitted to other family members.
8. 我不想沾染任何不良的习气。
I don't want to pick up any bad habits.
9. 他的思想被境外势力沾染。
His mind was contaminated by foreign forces.
10. 她沾染了一些坏习惯,需要尽快改正。
She has picked up some bad habits that need to be corrected as soon as possible.
11. 这种疾病容易沾染到儿童。
This disease is easily transmitted to children.
12. 他的衣服被沾染了泥土。
His clothes were stained with mud.
13. 这种病毒可以通过空气传播,很容易沾染到他人。
This virus can be transmitted through the air and easily infect others.
14. 她的手被沾染了血迹。
Her hands were stained with blood.
15. 那个地区的水源被沾染了。
The water supply in that area has been contaminated.
16. 这种疾病可以通过接触传播,很容易沾染到他人。
This disease can be transmitted through contact and easily infect others.
17. 他的名声因为与有黑历史的人沾染而受损。
His reputation was tarnished by association with people with a shady past.
18. 这个小孩在玩泥巴的时候把鞋子弄沾了。
The child got his shoes dirty while playing in the mud.
19. 这种细菌很容易沾染到食物中。
This bacteria is easily transmitted to food.
20. 他的心灵已经沾染了太多的负面情绪。
His mind has been contaminated with too much negativity.
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