1. 这家餐厅的菜单很丰富,几乎什么都有,可以说是俱全了。
The menu at this restaurant is very diverse, it has almost everything, you could say it's all-inclusive.
2. 这个游乐园设施齐全,娱乐项目俱全。
This amusement park has complete facilities, with a full range of entertainment options.
3. 这个健身房的器械俱全,满足了所有训练需求。
This gym has a complete set of equipment, meeting all training needs.
4. 这本书对这个话题的讨论非常全面,几乎包括了所有相关内容,可以说是俱全的。
This book provides a very comprehensive discussion of the topic, covering almost all relevant content, you could say it's all-encompassing.
5. 这家酒店的服务设施俱全,确实是一个理想的度假胜地。
This hotel has complete service facilities, truly an ideal vacation destination.
6. 这个展览汇集了各种类型的艺术作品,可以说是俱全的。
This exhibition showcases various types of art pieces, you could say it's all-inclusive.
7. 这个度假村提供了各种各样的活动,娱乐项目俱全。
This resort offers a variety of activities, with a full range of entertainment options.
8. 这个城市的文化氛围非常浓厚,历史遗迹俱全。
This city has a very strong cultural atmosphere, with complete historical sites.
9. 这个商场的品牌齐全,可以满足各种消费者的需求。
This mall has a complete range of brands, meeting the needs of various consumers.
10. 这个游戏拥有丰富的关卡设计,挑战俱全。
This game has rich level designs, with a full range of challenges.
11. 这个音乐节的阵容非常强大,各种音乐类型俱全。
This music festival has a very strong lineup, with a full range of music genres.
12. 这家餐厅的菜品种类繁多,几乎什么都有,可以说是俱全了。
The restaurant has a wide variety of dishes, it has almost everything, you could say it's all-inclusive.
13. 这个度假村的设施非常完备,娱乐项目俱全。
This resort has very complete facilities, with a full range of entertainment options.
14. 这个健身房的器械齐全,可以满足各种锻炼需求。
This gym has a complete set of equipment, meeting various exercise needs.
15. 这个展览包含了各种类型的艺术作品,可以说是俱全的。
This exhibition includes various types of art pieces, you could say it's all-inclusive.
16. 这个城市的历史遗迹保存完好,古迹俱全。
This city's historical sites are well-preserved, with a full range of ancient relics.
17. 这个商场的品牌种类繁多,可以满足各种消费者的需求。
This mall has a wide variety of brands, meeting the needs of various consumers.
18. 这个游戏的关卡设计丰富多样,挑战俱全。
This game has diverse level designs, with a full range of challenges.
19. 这个音乐节的阵容非常强大,各种音乐类型俱全。
This music festival has a very strong lineup, with a full range of music genres.
20. 这家餐厅的菜品种类繁多,几乎什么都有,可以说是俱全了。
The restaurant has a wide variety of dishes, it has almost everything, you could say it's all-inclusive.
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