1. 他是一位虔诚的喇嘛,每天都在寺庙里诵经。
He is a devout lama, reciting scriptures in the temple every day.
2. 在西藏,喇嘛是人们心中的精神领袖。
In Tibet, lamas are the spiritual leaders in people's hearts.
3. 这位喇嘛有着深厚的佛学知识,受到了很多人的尊敬。
This lama has profound knowledge of Buddhist studies and is respected by many.
4. 喇嘛们通常穿着红色的袈裟。
Lamas usually wear red robes.
5. 他决定放弃一切,成为一名喇嘛,追求内心的平静。
He decided to give up everything and become a lama, pursuing inner peace.
6. 这座寺庙有很多喇嘛在修行。
There are many lamas practicing in this temple.
7. 喇嘛们通常戴着一顶特殊的帽子。
Lamas usually wear a special hat.
8. 他拜访了一位知名的喇嘛,向他请教佛学问题。
He visited a famous lama and consulted him on Buddhist questions.
9. 喇嘛们经常为信徒们祈福。
Lamas often pray for the blessings of the believers.
10. 这位年轻的喇嘛正在学习佛经和禅修。
This young lama is studying Buddhist scriptures and meditation.
11. 在西藏,喇嘛是非常受尊敬的人物。
In Tibet, lamas are highly respected figures.
12. 喇嘛们的日常生活非常简朴。
The daily life of lamas is very simple.
13. 这位喇嘛有着超凡脱俗的气质。
This lama has an extraordinary and ethereal temperament.
14. 喇嘛们的智慧和慈悲受到了广泛的赞誉。
The wisdom and compassion of lamas are widely praised.
15. 他心怀敬畏,对喇嘛的教诲十分虔诚。
He is filled with reverence and is very devout in following the teachings of the lamas.
16. 喇嘛们通常在清晨进行冥想和念经。
Lamas usually meditate and chant scriptures in the morning.
17. 这座寺庙由一位著名的喇嘛建立。
This temple was built by a famous lama.
18. 喇嘛们常常为人们祈祷,希望他们能够获得平安和幸福。
Lamas often pray for people, hoping that they can have peace and happiness.
19. 这位喇嘛被认为是一位佛学大师。
This lama is considered a master of Buddhist studies.
20. 喇嘛们的智慧和善良感染了很多人。
The wisdom and kindness of lamas have influenced many people.
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