1. 他在全场比赛中表现出色。
He performed well in the whole game.
2. 这场比赛全场观众都很激动。
The entire audience was excited throughout the game.
3. 他们全场都在为自己的团队加油助威。
They were cheering for their team throughout the entire game.
4. 全场比赛都展现了他的出色表现。
His excellent performance was evident throughout the entire game.
5. 这场音乐会全场都是高潮。
The entire concert was a climax.
6. 她全场都在微笑。
She was smiling throughout the whole event.
7. 这部电影全场都充满了悬念。
The entire movie was filled with suspense.
8. 他全场都在拼尽全力。
He gave his all throughout the whole game.
9. 全场观众都为他们的演出鼓掌。
The entire audience applauded for their performance.
10. 这家餐厅的服务全场都很出色。
The service at this restaurant was excellent throughout.
11. 他们全场都在努力工作,不辞辛劳。
They worked hard throughout the whole event, without complaint.
12. 这次旅行全场都是愉快的回忆。
The entire trip was filled with happy memories.
13. 她全场都在关注着比赛。
She was focused on the game throughout the entire match.
14. 我们全场都在享受这次聚会。
We all enjoyed the gathering throughout.
15. 这场演讲全场都让人印象深刻。
The entire speech was impressive.
16. 全场都在期待着这次活动的精彩表演。
Everyone was looking forward to the exciting performance throughout the event.
17. 他全场都在保持冷静。
He remained calm throughout the entire game.
18. 这次派对全场都很热闹。
The entire party was lively.
19. 他全场都在努力追赶领先者。
He was trying to catch up with the leader throughout the whole race.
20. 这场比赛全场都展现了团队的团结和合作精神。
The entire game showcased the team's unity and spirit of cooperation.
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