1. 他站在山顶上,仰望着苍穹,问天为什么要这样对待他。
He stood on the top of the mountain, looking up at the sky, asking the heavens why they treated him like this.
2. 在迷茫中,她跪在地上,默默地问天上的星星,寻求答案。
In her confusion, she knelt on the ground, silently asking the stars in the sky for answers.
3. 问天,为什么命运总是如此无情?
Ask the heavens, why is fate always so cruel?
4. 他在心中默默地问天,为什么事情会发展成这样。
He silently asked the heavens in his heart, why did things turn out like this.
5. 面对挫折,他不停地问天,为什么这么多的困难都降临在他身上。
Faced with setbacks, he kept asking the heavens why so many difficulties had befallen him.
6. 她跪在墓前,问天为什么夺走了她最心爱的人。
She knelt in front of the grave, asking the heavens why they had taken away her most beloved person.
7. 他望着天空,问天为什么会有那么多的痛苦和不幸。
He looked at the sky and asked the heavens why there was so much pain and misfortune.
8. 问天,为什么这个世界上会有那么多的不公平。
Ask the heavens, why there is so much unfairness in this world.
9. 她站在海边,问天为什么她的梦想总是那么遥远。
She stood by the sea, asking the heavens why her dreams were always so far away.
10. 他跪在战场上,问天为什么战争会带来这么多的痛苦和死亡。
He knelt on the battlefield, asking the heavens why war brought so much pain and death.
11. 问天,为什么世界上会有那么多的疾病和灾难。
Ask the heavens, why there are so many diseases and disasters in the world.
12. 她在暴风雨中大声地问天,为什么命运总是对她如此残酷。
She shouted to the heavens in the storm, asking why fate was always so cruel to her.
13. 他在失去亲人后,常常默默地问天,为什么要让他经历如此痛苦。
After losing his loved ones, he often silently asked the heavens why they had to make him experience such pain.
14. 问天,为什么人们总是彼此伤害。
Ask the heavens, why people always hurt each other.
15. 她站在高楼上,问天为什么生活总是这么艰难。
She stood on top of the tall building, asking the heavens why life was always so difficult.
16. 他在沙漠中迷失方向时,一边走一边问天,希望能找到出路。
When he lost his way in the desert, he asked the heavens as he walked, hoping to find a way out.
17. 问天,为什么世界上会有那么多的仇恨和战争。
Ask the heavens, why there is so much hatred and war in the world.
18. 坐在草地上,他仰望星空,问天为什么人生如此匆匆。
Sitting on the grass, he looked up at the stars and asked the heavens why life was so fleeting.
19. 在黑夜中,他常常默默地问天,为什么世界上会有那么多的黑暗和绝望。
In the dark night, he often silently asked the heavens why there was so much darkness and despair in the world.
20. 问天,为什么爱情总是那么脆弱。
Ask the heavens, why love is always so fragile.
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