1. 天空中飘来了一片黑云。
A dark cloud drifted across the sky.
2. 黑云笼罩着整个城市。
The city was shrouded in black clouds.
3. 暴风雨来临前,黑云密布。
Before the storm, dark clouds gathered.
4. 黑云压顶,让人感到压抑。
The dark clouds overhead made the atmosphere feel oppressive.
5. 黑云遮住了太阳,天气变得阴沉。
The dark clouds obscured the sun, making the weather gloomy.
6. 阴郁的黑云预示着暴风雨的到来。
The gloomy dark clouds foreshadowed the arrival of a storm.
7. 黑云密布,预示着一场大雨即将来临。
The dark clouds gathering indicated that a heavy rain was on the way.
8. 黑云飘荡在天空中,给人一种压抑感。
The dark clouds drifting in the sky gave a sense of oppression.
9. 黑云笼罩着山谷,让人感到不安。
The dark clouds hung over the valley, making people feel uneasy.
10. 黑云之下,一切都显得阴森可怖。
Under the dark clouds, everything seemed eerie and frightening.
11. 黑云密布,仿佛是上天的警告。
The dark clouds gathering seemed like a warning from above.
12. 阴郁的黑云挂在天空中,预示着暴风雨的到来。
The gloomy dark clouds hung in the sky, heralding the arrival of a storm.
13. 黑云滚滚,仿佛要吞噬一切。
The rolling dark clouds seemed to swallow everything.
14. 黑云笼罩着城市,给人一种沉重的压迫感。
The dark clouds enveloped the city, giving a heavy sense of oppression.
15. 黑云密布,让人感到忧虑不安。
The dark clouds gathering made people feel anxious.
16. 黑云遮住了阳光,给人一种阴森的感觉。
The dark clouds obscured the sunlight, giving a eerie feeling.
17. 黑云聚集,预示着一场狂风暴雨即将来临。
The dark clouds gathering indicated that a fierce storm was approaching.
18. 天空中的黑云像是一幅沉重的画面。
The dark clouds in the sky were like a heavy painting.
19. 黑云笼罩着整个山脉,给人一种压抑感。
The dark clouds shrouded the entire mountain range, giving a sense of oppression.
20. 黑云密布的天空让人感到不祥。
The sky filled with dark clouds gave a sense of foreboding.
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