1. 她婉转的歌声如同玉凤般清脆动人。
Her melodious voice is as clear and beautiful as a jade phoenix.
2. 他送给她一枚玉凤吊坠作为生日礼物。
He gave her a jade phoenix pendant as a birthday gift.
3. 在中国传统文化中,玉凤象征着吉祥和幸福。
In traditional Chinese culture, the jade phoenix symbolizes good luck and happiness.
4. 玉凤是中国古代传说中的神鸟,寓意着吉祥和美好。
The jade phoenix is a mythical bird in ancient Chinese legends, symbolizing auspiciousness and beauty.
5. 她的发型饰以一枚玉凤发簪,显得格外华丽。
Her hairstyle was adorned with a jade phoenix hairpin, making her look exceptionally elegant.
6. 玉凤在中国文学和艺术中常常被描绘为一种神秘而优雅的形象。
The jade phoenix is often depicted as a mysterious and elegant symbol in Chinese literature and art.
7. 她的戒指上镶嵌着一颗玉凤翎,闪闪发光。
There is a jade phoenix feather set in her ring, shining brightly.
8. 在中国古代,玉凤常常被用来象征皇家的尊贵和权力。
In ancient China, the jade phoenix was often used to symbolize the nobility and power of the royal family.
9. 她的护身符上雕刻着一只飞翔的玉凤,寓意着平安和祥瑞。
A flying jade phoenix is carved on her amulet, symbolizing peace and auspiciousness.
10. 玉凤在中国传统宫廷建筑中常常被用作装饰图案。
The jade phoenix is often used as a decorative pattern in traditional Chinese palace architecture.
11. T
12. The ancient legend tells of a magnificent jade phoenix that brought prosperity to the land.
12. S
14. The jade phoenix is often associated with good fortune and prosperity in Chinese folklore.
13. T
16. The jade phoenix is believed to bring harmony and happiness to those who possess it.
14. T
18. The jade phoenix is a cherished symbol of strength and rebirth in Chinese mythology.
15. Sh
20. The intricate carving of the jade phoenix on the temple's door symbolized protection and good luck.
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