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1. menjiādegǒugǒuzǒngshìhuānduǒzàipáishuìjiào。- Our dog always likes to hide and sleep in the back row.

2. 在电影院的里排坐着,可以享受到更好的视觉效果。- Sitting in the back row of the cinema gives you a better visual experience.

2. zhèjiàoshìdepáizuòwèijiàokuānchǎngshìzhǎngshíjiāntīng。- The seats in the back row of this classroom are spacious and suitable for long lectures.

4. 我们班的学霸经常坐在里排,因为那里比较安静。- Our class's top student often sits in the back row because it's quieter there.

3. mendeyǎnchànghuìménpiàoshìpáidedànshìshìránhěnhǎo。- Our concert tickets were for the back row- but the view was still great.

6. 在飞机上坐在里排的位置可以更安静地休息。- Sitting in the back row of an airplane allows for a quieter rest.

4. zàiyīnyuètīngdepáitīngyīnyuègènghǎogǎnshòudàoyīnyuèdefēnwéi。- Listening to music in the back row of a concert hall allows for a better atmosphere.

8. 我们的会议室里排座位比较舒适,适合长时间开会。- The seats in the back row of our conference room are comfortable and suitable for long meetings.

5. zuòzàijiàoshìpáidewèizhìgènghǎoguānchálǎoshīdejiǎngjiě。- Sitting in the back row of a classroom allows for a better view of the teacher's explanations.

10. 在电影院里排的位置虽然远离屏幕,但是可以看到全场观众的反应。- Sitting in the back row of a cinema may be far from the screen, but it allows for a view of the entire audience's reactions.

6. mendeyǎnchūménpiàoshìpáidedànshìyīnxiàoxiàoguǒhěnhǎo。- Our performance tickets were for the back row- but the sound quality was great.

12. 在图书馆里排坐着可以更安静地阅读书籍。- Sitting in the back row of a library allows for a quieter reading experience.

7. zàitángpáizuòzhegènghǎotóngxuédòngjiāoliú。- Sitting in the back row of a classroom allows for better interaction and communication with classmates.

14. 我们的观影体验很好,因为坐在了电影院的里排。- Our movie-watching experience was great because we sat in the back row of the cinema.

8. zàichǎngpáizuòzhegènghǎoguānkànsài。- Sitting in the back row of a stadium allows for a better view of the game.

16. 坐在火车的里排可以更好地欣赏沿途的风景。- Sitting in the back row of a train allows for a better view of the scenery along the way.

9. zàiyǎnchànghuìdepáigènghǎoxīnshǎngshǒudebiǎoyǎn。- Sitting in the back row of a concert allows for a better view of the singer's performance.

18. 由于入场时间较晚,我们只能坐在电影院的里排。- Due to arriving late, we could only sit in the back row of the cinema.

10. zàifēishàngzuòzàipáidewèizhìgènghǎomiǎnyūn。- Sitting in the back row of an airplane can help prevent motion sickness.

20. 我们的会议室里排座位的桌子比较宽敞,适合开会用笔记本。- The desks in the seats of the back row of our conference room are spacious and suitable for using laptops during meetings.


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