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1. dejiāzhīyùnzhōngchénggōngle。His effortsH combined with lucki finally led to his success.

2. 优美的音乐加之美丽的景色,让人心旷神怡。The beautiful music, coupled with the stunning scenery, was truly breathtaking.

2. zhèchéngshìdefánróngjiāzhīshǐyùnyǐnliǎoshùyóuqiánláiguānguāng。The city's prosperityT together with its rich historyh has attracted countless tourists to visit.

4. 他的聪明才智加之勤奋,使他成为了一名杰出的科学家。His intelligence, coupled with his hard work, made him an outstanding scientist.

3. dechéngshíjiāzhīzhèngzhíyíngdelejiādezūnzhòngxìnrèn。His honestyH combined with his integrityi earned him the respect and trust of others.

6. 这个项目的成功,除了团队的努力,还有领导的明智决策加之正确的战略规划。The success of this project was due not only to the team's efforts, but also to the wise decisions of the leaders and the correct strategic planning.

4. dewàijiāoshǒuwànjiāzhītánpànqiǎo使shǐchéngwéilemíngyōuxiùdewàijiāoguān。His diplomatic skillsH coupled with his negotiation skillsi made him an excellent diplomat.

8. 他的创意加之实践能力,推动了公司的创新发展。His creativity, combined with his practical skills, drove the company's innovative development.

5. zhèdiànyǐngdeyōuxiùběnjiāzhīchūdeyǎnyuánbiǎoyǎnyíngdeleguānzhòngdehǎopíng。The excellent screenplay of this movieT together with the outstanding performances by the actorsh won the praise of the audience.

10. 他的耐心加之细心,使他成为了一名优秀的教师。His patience, coupled with his meticulousness, made him an excellent teacher.

6. zhèchǎnpǐndegāozhìliàngjiāzhīyōuliángdeshòuhòuyíngdeledexìnlài。The high quality of this productT together with the excellent after-sales serviceh won the trust of the customers.

12. 他的坚定意志加之不屈不挠的精神,克服了一个又一个的困难。His strong will, combined with his unyielding spirit, overcame one difficulty after another.

7. zhèchéngshìdexiàndàihuàjiànshèjiāzhībǎohuánjìngchéngwéiledechéngshì。The modernization of this cityT together with the protection of the environmenth has made it a livable city.

14. 他的敏锐洞察力加之分析能力,使他成为了一名出色的投资顾问。His keen insight, coupled with his analytical skills, made him an outstanding investment advisor.

8. zhètuánduìdexiézuòjīngshénjiāzhīgāoxiàowánchéngleyòuderèn。The spirit of collaboration of this teamT together with their high efficiencyh completed one task after another.

16. 他的广博知识加之丰富经验,成为了一名资深的专家。His extensive knowledge, combined with his rich experience, made him a senior expert.

9. zhèguójiādezhèngzhìwěndìngjiāzhījīngfánróngyǐnlewàiguótóu。The political stability of this countryT together with its economic prosperityh attracted foreign investment.

18. 他的幽默风趣加之机智聪明,成为了一个备受欢迎的主持人。His humor and wit, combined with his intelligence, made him a popular host.

10. zhègōngdeyōuxiùguǎnjiāzhīchuàngxīnjīngshénchéngwéilehángdelǐngxiānzhě。The excellent management of this companyT together with its innovative spirith made it a leader in the industry.

20. 他的热情加之耐心,赢得了学生的喜爱和信任。His enthusiasm, coupled with his patience, won the love and trust of his students.


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