1. 我们的公司在英台拥有广泛的业务联系。
2. 英台两地的文化差异很大,需要适应不同的商业风俗。The cultural differences between the UK and Taiwan are significant, requiring adaptation to different business customs.
2. 英台之间的贸易合作正在不断发展壮大。
4. 英台两国的政治和经济关系密切,互相支持和合作。The political and economic relations between the UK and Taiwan are close, supporting and cooperating with each other.
3. 英台之间的人文交流越来越频繁,增进了两国人民的了解和友谊。C
6. 英台两国在科技领域有很多合作项目,共同推进技术创新。The UK and Taiwan have many collaborative projects in the field of technology, jointly promoting technological innovation.
4. 英台两地的教育体系有很大的不同,需要适应不同的教学方式和文化背景。T
8. 英台两国的旅游业发展迅速,吸引了越来越多的游客前往旅游。The tourism industry in the UK and Taiwan is developing rapidly, attracting more and more tourists to visit.
5. 英台之间的语言障碍需要克服,通过学习对方语言来促进交流和合作。T
10. 英台两国的文化遗产丰富多样,需要共同保护和传承。The cultural heritage of the UK and Taiwan is rich and diverse, requiring joint protection and inheritance.
6. 英台之间的音乐交流活动越来越多,丰富了两国音乐文化。T
12. 英台两国的医疗技术和服务水平都很高,需要加强合作共同推进医疗健康事业的发展。The UK and Taiwan have high levels of medical technology and service, and need to strengthen cooperation to promote the development of medical and health care.
7. 英台两国的文化娱乐产业都很发达,需要加强合作推动文化娱乐领域的交流和发展。T
14. 英台两国的环保意识越来越强,需要加强合作共同应对全球环境挑战。The environmental awareness of the UK and Taiwan is becoming stronger, and needs to strengthen cooperation to jointly address global environmental challenges.
8. 英台两国的食品安全标准和监管制度都很严格,需要加强合作保障国民健康。T
16. 英台两国的农业合作项目正在不断增加,共同推进农业现代化。Agricultural cooperation projects between the UK and Taiwan are constantly increasing, jointly promoting agricultural modernization.
9. 英台两国的能源技术和资源开发经验互补,需要加强合作共同推进能源领域的创新和发展。T
18. 英台两国的金融业都很发达,需要加强合作共同应对国际金融风险。The financial industries of the UK and Taiwan are well-developed, and need to strengthen cooperation to jointly address international financial risks.
10. 英台之间的交通运输和物流合作项目正在不断增加,共同促进物流效率提升。T
20. 英台两国的人权保护和民主制度都得到了充分的尊重和保障,需要加强合作共同维护全球的人权和民主。The protection of human rights and democratic systems in the UK and Taiwan have been fully respected and safeguarded, and need to strengthen cooperation to jointly maintain global human rights and democracy.
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