1. 他翘起了大拇指表示赞成。
He raised his thumb in approval.
2. 她翘起了嘴角微笑。
She curled up the corners of her mouth in a smile.
3. 小狗翘起了尾巴,表示高兴。
The puppy wagged its tail in excitement.
4. 他翘起了耳朵聆听讲座。
He perked up his ears to listen to the lecture.
5. 她翘起了鼻子表示不屑一顾。
She turned up her nose in disdain.
6. 她翘起了一根手指,示意我跟她走。
She gestured for me to follow her by raising a finger.
7. 他翘起了腿放在桌子上。
He propped his feet up on the table.
8. 他翘起了嘴唇做出挑衅的表情。
He curled up his lip in a defiant expression.
9. 老师翘起了一根手指,示意我们安静。
The teacher raised a finger to signal for us to be quiet.
10. 他翘起了一根柳叶眉,表示疑惑。
He raised an eyebrow in confusion.
11. 她翘起了下巴,显得自信满满。
She jutted out her chin, looking confident.
12. 他翘起了鼻子,不愿接受他人的帮助。
He turned up his nose, refusing help from others.
13. 她翘起了额头,表示不满。
She wrinkled her forehead in displeasure.
14. 他翘起了嘴角,露出了微笑。
He turned up the corners of his mouth in a smile.
15. 她翘起了脖子,显得高傲自大。
She cocked her neck, looking arrogant.
16. 他翘起了大拇指,表示赞同。
He raised his thumb in agreement.
17. 她翘起了腿,坐在椅子上。
She propped up her legs on the chair.
18. 他翘起了嘴唇,做出挑衅的表情。
He curled up his lip in a defiant expression.
19. 他翘起了一根手指,示意我跟他走。
He raised a finger to gesture for me to follow him.
20. 她翘起了鼻子,不愿意接受别人的帮助。
She turned up her nose, refusing help from others.
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