1. 他是这个项目的本主。
He is the owner of this project.
2. 作为本主,他有权做出最终决定。
As the owner, he has the authority to make the final decision.
3. 本主对公司的发展方向有着明确的规划。
The owner has a clear plan for the company's development direction.
4. 这家餐厅的本主是一位资深的厨师。
The owner of this restaurant is an experienced chef.
5. 本主的责任是确保公司的顺利运营。
The owner's responsibility is to ensure the smooth operation of the company.
6. 他是这家公司的本主,拥有最终决策权。
He is the owner of this company and has the final decision-making power.
7. 这家酒店的本主是一位富有经验的酒店经理。
The owner of this hotel is an experienced hotel manager.
8. 作为本主,他有权利做出重要的商业决策。
As the owner, he has the right to make important business decisions.
9. 这个项目的本主是一位成功的企业家。
The owner of this project is a successful entrepreneur.
10. 本主对公司的未来发展充满信心。
The owner is confident in the future development of the company.
11. 他是这家工厂的本主,负责管理日常运营。
He is the owner of this factory, responsible for managing daily operations.
12. 作为本主,他有义务保障员工的权益。
As the owner, he has the obligation to safeguard the rights of the employees.
13. 这家酒店的本主致力于提供优质的客户服务。
The owner of this hotel is committed to providing high-quality customer service.
14. 本主的目标是使公司成为行业的领导者。
The owner's goal is to make the company a leader in the industry.
15. 他是这个项目的本主,将决定项目的未来方向。
He is the owner of this project and will decide the future direction of the project.
16. 作为本主,他有责任确保公司的可持续发展。
As the owner, he has the responsibility to ensure the sustainable development of the company.
17. 这家餐厅的本主是一位热情好客的人。
The owner of this restaurant is a hospitable person.
18. 本主对公司的业绩和发展目标有着明确的规划。
The owner has a clear plan for the company's performance and development goals.
19. 他是这家公司的本主,致力于打造一个积极向上的企业文化。
He is the owner of this company, committed to creating a positive corporate culture.
20. 作为本主,他必须承担公司的风险和责任。
As the owner, he must bear the risks and responsibilities of the company.
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