1. 他是一个成功的成金,从一个小小的企业发展成了一个大公司。
He is a successful parvenu, growing from a small business to a large corporation.
2. 那个成金在短短几年内就成为了亿万富翁。
That parvenu became a billionaire in just a few years.
3. 他是一个典型的成金,靠着自己的勤奋和机智,一步步走向成功。
He is a typical parvenu, making his way to success through hard work and cunning.
4. 这个成金在社交圈里一夜成名,成为了名副其实的大亨。
This parvenu rose to fame overnight in social circles and became a true tycoon.
5. 她是一个成功的成金,从一个普通家庭走向了财富和地位。
She is a successful parvenu, moving from a humble family to wealth and status.
6. 那个成金虽然身世不明,但凭借着自己的才华和努力,成为了商界的佼佼者。
Although of unknown origin, that parvenu became a leading figure in the business world through their talent and hard work.
7. 他是一个典型的成金故事,从一无所有到成为了富有和有影响力的人物。
He is a typical parvenu story, going from nothing to becoming wealthy and influential.
8. 那个成金在商业领域取得了巨大成功,成为了行业的领军人物。
That parvenu achieved great success in the business field and became a leading figure in the industry.
9. 他是一个成功的成金,从一个普通的小职员成长为了公司的老板。
He is a successful parvenu, growing from an ordinary employee to the owner of a company.
10. 那个成金在政界崭露头角,成为了一个备受瞩目的政治人物。
That parvenu made a name for themselves in the political arena and became a prominent political figure.
11. 他是一个成功的成金,通过自己的努力和智慧,成为了一个备受尊敬的商业领袖。
He is a successful parvenu, becoming a respected business leader through his own efforts and wisdom.
12. 那个成金在社会上崭露头角,成为了一个备受瞩目的公众人物。
That parvenu made a name for themselves in society and became a prominent public figure.
13. 他是一个典型的成金,通过自己的努力和才华,从一个普通人发展成了一个成功的企业家。
He is a typical parvenu, developing from an ordinary person to a successful entrepreneur through his own efforts and talent.
14. 那个成金通过自己的努力和智慧,成为了一个备受尊敬的商界精英。
That parvenu became a respected elite in the business world through their own efforts and wisdom.
15. 他是一个成功的成金,从一个贫穷的家庭走向了富有和成功。
He is a successful parvenu, moving from a poor family to wealth and success.
16. 那个成金在商业界崭露头角,成为了一个备受瞩目的企业家。
That parvenu made a name for themselves in the business world and became a prominent entrepreneur.
17. 他是一个成功的成金,通过自己的才华和努力,成为了一个备受尊敬的商业领袖。
He is a successful parvenu, becoming a respected business leader through his own talent and hard work.
18. 那个成金通过自己的努力和智慧,成为了一个备受尊敬的社会精英。
That parvenu became a respected elite in society through their own efforts and wisdom.
19. 他是一个成功的成金,通过自己的努力和才华,成为了一个备受尊敬的公众人物。
He is a successful parvenu, becoming a respected public figure through his own efforts and talent.
20. 那个成金在商界取得了巨大成功,成为了一个备受瞩目的商业领袖。
That parvenu achieved great success in the business world and became a prominent business leader.
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