1. 他的悲戚面容让人心疼。
His mournful expression made people feel sorry for him.
2. 她的悲戚歌声让人感到心碎。
Her mournful singing voice made people feel heartbroken.
3. 在葬礼上,人们的悲戚情绪难以控制。
At the funeral, people's mournful emotions were hard to control.
4. 他的悲戚故事让人们泪流满面。
His mournful story brought tears to people's eyes.
5. 她悲戚地看着离去的爱人。
She watched her departing lover with a mournful look.
6. 他们悲戚地告别了逝去的亲人。
They mournfully bid farewell to their departed loved one.
7. 他的悲戚让人心生怜悯。
His mournfulness evoked sympathy in people's hearts.
8. 在悲戚的音乐中,人们纷纷流泪。
In the mournful music, people were moved to tears.
9. 她的悲戚表情让人感到心痛。
Her mournful expression made people feel heartache.
10. 他的悲戚故事深深触动了我。
His mournful story deeply touched me.
11. 在悲戚的氛围中,人们默默地悼念逝去的亲人。
In the mournful atmosphere, people silently mourned their departed loved ones.
12. 她悲戚地向他道别,不舍地离开了。
She bid him a mournful farewell and left reluctantly.
13. 他的悲戚歌声充满了对逝去爱人的思念。
His mournful singing voice was filled with longing for his departed loved one.
14. 在悲戚的音乐中,她放声痛哭。
In the mournful music, she burst into tears.
15. 他的悲戚故事让人们感到心痛。
His mournful story made people feel heartache.
16. 她悲戚地凝视着远方,思念着逝去的亲人。
She gazed mournfully into the distance, longing for her departed loved one.
17. 在悲戚的氛围中,他们共同悼念逝去的同事。
In the mournful atmosphere, they mourned their departed colleague together.
18. 他的悲戚面容让人心生怜悯。
His mournful expression evoked sympathy in people's hearts.
19. 在悲戚的音乐中,人们陷入沉思。
In the mournful music, people fell into contemplation.
20. 她悲戚地回忆起逝去的青春岁月。
She mournfully recalled her departed youth.
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