首页 汉字



1. mengōngjuédìngcǎiyòngxīndeyíngxiāolüè

Our company has decided to adopt a new marketing strategy.

2. zhèzhǒngshùjīngbèi广guǎngfàncǎiyòng

This technology has been widely adopted.

3. menjuédìngcǎiyònggèngjiāhuánbǎodeshēngchǎnfāngshì

They have decided to adopt a more environmentally friendly production method.

4. xuéxiàocǎiyònglezhǒngxīndejiàoxuéfāng

The school has adopted a new teaching method.

5. zhèguójiācǎiyònglexiēxīndezhèngláijīngzēngzhǎng

This country has adopted some new policies to stimulate economic growth.

6. menyīnggāicǎiyònggèngjiājiànkāngdeshēnghuófāngshì

We should adopt a healthier lifestyle.

7. zhèjiāgōngjuédìngcǎiyòngxīndeguǎnzhì

The company has decided to adopt a new management system.

8. mencǎiyònglezhǒngxīndeshèniànláigǎijìnchǎnpǐn

They adopted a new design concept to improve the product.

9. zhèchéngshìcǎiyònglexiēxīndejiāotōngguīláigǎishànjiāotōngzhuàngkuàng

The city has adopted some new traffic rules to improve the traffic situation.

10. menjuédìngcǎiyòngzhǒnggèngjiālínghuódegōngzuòānpái

They have decided to adopt a more flexible work schedule.

11. zhèzhǒngxīnshùzhèngzàibèiyuèláiyuèduōdegōngcǎiyòng

This new technology is being adopted by more and more companies.

12. zhèhángjīngkāishǐcǎiyòngdònghuàshēngchǎn线xiàn

This industry has started to adopt automated production lines.

13. menyīnggāicǎiyònggèngjiāchídenéngyuán

We should adopt more sustainable energy sources.

14. zhèxuéxiàocǎiyònglezhǒngquánxīndejiàoshì

This school has adopted a brand new educational model.

15. zhèguójiācǎiyònglexiēxīndeláibǎohuánjìng

This country has adopted some new laws to protect the environment.

16. mengōngjuédìngcǎiyònggèngjiāgāoxiàodeshēngchǎngōng

Our company has decided to adopt a more efficient production process.

17. mencǎiyònglezhǒnggèngjiārénxìnghuàdeguǎnfāngshì

They adopted a more humane management approach.

18. zhèxiàngcǎiyònglezhǒngquánxīndeshèniàn

This project adopted a brand new design concept.

19. zhètuánduìjuédìngcǎiyòngzhǒnggèngjiāxiézuòdegōngzuòfāngshì

This team has decided to adopt a more collaborative way of working.

20. zhècǎiyònglezhǒngxīndenóngshùláigāochǎnliàng

This region has adopted a new agricultural technology to increase yields.


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