1. 山寺静谧幽深。
The mountain temple is serene and secluded.
2. 晨钟暮鼓,山寺钟声悠扬。
The morning and evening bells of the mountain temple ring melodiously.
3. 山寺中的古树参天。
Ancient trees tower in the mountain temple.
4. 山寺内的佛像庄严肃穆。
The statues of Buddha in the mountain temple are solemn and dignified.
5. 山寺前的清泉流淌不息。
The clear spring in front of the mountain temple flows endlessly.
6. 山寺的建筑风格古朴典雅。
The architecture style of the mountain temple is simple and elegant.
7. 山寺的僧侣清心寡欲。
The monks in the mountain temple are content with simple living.
8. 山寺的香火旺盛。
The incense in the mountain temple is burning vigorously.
9. 山寺的风景如诗如画。
The scenery of the mountain temple is picturesque.
10. 山寺的历史悠久。
The mountain temple has a long history.
11. 山寺中的经文被尊重地传承下来。
The scriptures in the mountain temple are respectfully passed down.
12. 山寺内的禅房清静安详。
The meditation rooms in the mountain temple are peaceful and tranquil.
13. 山寺周围的山峦绵延起伏。
The mountains around the mountain temple undulate continuously.
14. 山寺中的僧人在晨钟暮鼓中念经修行。
The monks in the mountain temple chant and practice meditation to the morning and evening bells.
15. 山寺里的木鱼声悠扬悦耳。
The sound of wooden fish in the mountain temple is melodious and pleasant.
16. 山寺的风景如诗如画,令人心旷神怡。
The scenery of the mountain temple is like a poem, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.
17. 山寺是一处清幽的修行胜地。
The mountain temple is a quiet and secluded place for spiritual practice.
18. 山寺中的古建筑展现出古代的辉煌和智慧。
The ancient buildings in the mountain temple display the glory and wisdom of the ancient times.
19. 山寺周围的自然环境保持着原始的纯净和美丽。
The natural environment around the mountain temple remains primitive, pure, and beautiful.
20. 山寺是我心灵的避风港。
The mountain temple is the harbor of my soul.
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