1. 她的笑容像是小妖一样,让人心动不已。
Her smile is like a little demon, making people's hearts flutter.
2. 小妖在树林里跳跃着,散发着迷人的气息。
The little demon leaped through the forest, emitting a charming aura.
3. 他总是喜欢调皮捣蛋,就像一个小妖一样。
He always likes to play tricks, just like a little demon.
4. 小妖的眼睛闪烁着诱惑的光芒。
The little demon's eyes twinkled with a seductive gleam.
5. 她的笑声像是小妖一样,让人难以抗拒。
Her laughter is like a little demon, irresistible.
6. 在传说中,小妖是一种神秘而诱人的存在。
In legends, the little demon is a mysterious and alluring presence.
7. 小妖在夜晚出没,给人们带来无尽的诱惑。
The little demon lurks at night, bringing endless temptation to people.
8. 她的魅力就像是小妖一样,让人无法自拔。
Her charm is like a little demon, irresistible.
9. 小妖的出现总是让人陷入无尽的诱惑之中。
The appearance of the little demon always leads people into endless temptation.
10. 他的眼神中透露出一丝小妖般的邪魅。
There is a hint of little demon-like charm in his eyes.
11. 她的美丽隐藏着一种小妖般的诱惑。
Her beauty hides a little demon-like temptation.
12. 小妖的笑容让人心生敬畏。
The little demon's smile fills people with awe.
13. 他的行为举止总是带着一丝小妖的气息。
His behavior always carries a hint of little demon's aura.
14. 她的声音像是小妖一样,充满了诱惑力。
Her voice is like a little demon, full of temptation.
15. 小妖的魅力让人难以抗拒。
The little demon's charm is irresistible.
16. 他的眼神中透露出一种小妖般的诱惑。
There is a kind of little demon-like temptation in his eyes.
17. 她的举止像是小妖一样,总是充满了诱惑。
Her behavior is like a little demon, always full of temptation.
18. 小妖的存在让人们陷入无尽的诱惑之中。
The existence of the little demon leads people into endless temptation.
19. 他的笑容中透露出一种小妖般的邪恶。
There is a kind of little demon-like evil in his smile.
20. 她的美丽隐藏着一种小妖般的诱惑。
Her beauty hides a little demon-like temptation.
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