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1. zàishùshàngjiào

The crow cawed in the tree.

2. pánxuánzàikōngzhōng

The crow circled in the sky.

3. shìzhǒngcōngmíngdeniǎolèi

Crows are intelligent birds.

4. zàichéngshìzhōnghěnchángjiàn

Crows are common in urban areas.

5. dejiàoshēnghěněr

The crow's caw is very harsh.

6. shìzhǒnghuānshōushǎnliàngpǐndeniǎolèi

Crows are birds that like to collect shiny objects.

7. bèirènwéishìxiángzhī

Crows are considered to be a bad omen.

8. tōngchángshìchéngqúnjiéduìde

Crows are usually found in groups.

9. shìzhǒngshíxìngdòng

Crows are omnivorous animals.

10. zàinóngtiánzhōngshí

Crows forage in the fields.

11. zàinóngcūnnüè

Crows are wreaking havoc in rural areas.

12. demáoshìhēide

The crow's feathers are black.

13. zàiduīshí

Crows scavenge in the garbage dump.

14. shòudàolerénlèidewēixié

Crows are threatened by humans.

15. shìzhǒngfēichángshìyìnghuánjìngdeniǎolèi

Crows are highly adaptable birds.

16. zàizhōngxúnzhǎoshí

Crows search for food in the rain.

17. zàiwǎnhuódòng

Crows are active at night.

18. zàichéngshìzhōngjiànlecháoxué

Crows have built nests in the city.

19. zàishùshàngguāncházhōuwéidehuánjìng

The crow watches the surroundings from the tree.

20. bèirènwéishìyánzhěde使shǐzhě

Crows are considered messengers of prophecy.


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