1. 黎明时分,一场大雨突然降临。
At dawn, a heavy rain suddenly came down.
2. 我们期待着和平的降临。
We are looking forward to the coming of peace.
3. 在这个季节,霜冻很快就会降临。
At this season, frost will soon set in.
4. 神的恩典将会降临在每一个人身上。
God's grace will come upon everyone.
5. 这个城市正在迎接新的繁荣时代的降临。
The city is welcoming the coming of a new era of prosperity.
6. 灾难突然降临,让人措手不及。
Disaster suddenly struck, catching people off guard.
7. 他们希望幸福能够降临到他们的生活中。
They hope that happiness will come into their lives.
8. 黑暗降临时,我们只能依赖着星星的微光。
When darkness falls, we can only rely on the faint light of the stars.
9. 好消息终于降临了,我们的努力得到了回报。
Good news has finally arrived, and our efforts have paid off.
10. 神的审判将会降临在那些恶人身上。
God's judgment will come upon the wicked.
11. 当爱情降临时,一切都变得美好起来。
When love comes, everything becomes beautiful.
12. 他们不知道灾难将会降临在他们身上。
They had no idea that disaster would strike them.
13. 他们等待着机会的降临,以改变他们的命运。
They are waiting for the arrival of an opportunity to change their destiny.
14. 希望之光即将降临在这个被战争蹂躏的国家。
The light of hope is about to come to this war-torn country.
15. 当冬天降临时,城市就被雪覆盖了。
When winter comes, the city is covered in snow.
16. 他们为了迎接新的挑战,做好了一切准备,以期待成功的降临。
They have prepared for the coming of new challenges in hopes of success.
17. 黑暗的阴影似乎随时都可能降临在这个被战争蹂躏的国家。
The dark shadow seems to be looming over this war-torn country at any time.
18. 在这个充满希望的季节,人们期待着好运的降临。
In this hopeful season, people are looking forward to the arrival of good luck.
19. 当幸福降临时,我们应该感恩并珍惜。
When happiness comes, we should be grateful and cherish it.
20. 在这个漫长的黑夜之后,黎明终将降临。
After this long night, dawn will finally come.
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