1. 这个地方的风气很浓厚,人们都很友好。
The atmosphere here is very strong, and people are very friendly.
2. 这个公司的风气很开放,员工之间的沟通很畅通。
The company has an open atmosphere, and communication between employees is very smooth.
3. 这个学校的风气很严谨,学生们都非常努力。
The school has a strict atmosphere, and the students are very hardworking.
4. 这家餐厅的风气很轻松,顾客们都很喜欢这里的氛围。
The restaurant has a relaxed atmosphere, and customers really enjoy the vibe here.
5. 这个社区的风气很淳朴,居民之间的关系很和谐。
The community has a simple atmosphere, and the relationships between residents are very harmonious.
6. 这个团队的风气很积极,大家都很乐观。
The team has a positive atmosphere, and everyone is very optimistic.
7. 这个城市的风气很活跃,有很多文化活动。
The city has a lively atmosphere, with many cultural activities.
8. 这个行业的风气很恶劣,存在很多不正当竞争。
The industry has a bad atmosphere, with a lot of unfair competition.
9. 这个国家的风气很开放,尊重多元文化。
The country has an open atmosphere, respecting multiculturalism.
10. 这个组织的风气很严肃,要求高。
The organization has a serious atmosphere, with high demands.
11. 这个俱乐部的风气很浪漫,吸引了很多情侣。
The club has a romantic atmosphere, attracting many couples.
12. 这个行业的风气很守旧,不愿意接受新的理念。
The industry has a conservative atmosphere, unwilling to accept new ideas.
13. 这个学院的风气很开放,鼓励学生探索和创新。
The college has an open atmosphere, encouraging students to explore and innovate.
14. 这个医院的风气很和谐,医护人员之间的合作非常好。
The hospital has a harmonious atmosphere, with very good cooperation among medical staff.
15. 这个社会的风气很浮躁,人们都很急功近利。
The society has a restless atmosphere, with people being very impatient for quick success.
16. 这个公司的风气很务实,做事很有效率。
The company has a practical atmosphere, being very efficient in its operations.
17. 这个团体的风气很民主,大家都有发言权。
The group has a democratic atmosphere, with everyone having a voice.
18. 这个地区的风气很保守,不太愿意接受新的观念。
The region has a conservative atmosphere, not very willing to accept new ideas.
19. 这个学校的风气很活跃,有很多社团活动。
The school has a lively atmosphere, with many club activities.
20. 这个行业的风气很混乱,缺乏规范和监管。
The industry has a chaotic atmosphere, lacking standards and regulation.
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