1. 医院门口聚集了很多人流。
There is a large crowd of people outside the hospital.
2. 人流涌动,宛如潮水般涌向大街。
The crowd surged forward like a tide onto the street.
3. 由于节假日,火车站迎来了大量的人流。
The train station saw a large influx of people due to the holiday.
4. 在购物中心,人流如织,特别是周末。
The shopping center is always packed with people, especially on weekends.
5. 人流拥挤,导致交通拥堵。
The heavy flow of people caused traffic congestion.
6. 人流蜿蜒而行,形成了一条长长的队伍。
The crowd snaked along, forming a long line.
7. 他们在机场拥挤的人流中找到了彼此。
They found each other in the crowded flow of people at the airport.
8. 在活动现场,人流涌动,场面壮观。
The crowd surged at the event, creating a spectacular scene.
9. 人流不断涌入展览馆,参观者络绎不绝。
The flow of people continued to pour into the exhibition hall, with visitors coming in non-stop.
10. 人流涌向街头,庆祝者们手持旗帜高喊口号。
The crowd poured into the streets, with celebrants waving flags and shouting slogans.
11. 他们跟随人流走进了音乐会场馆。
They followed the flow of people into the concert venue.
12. 在地铁站,人流涌动,每个人都匆匆忙忙地赶着去工作。
The subway station was crowded with a flow of people, each hurrying off to work.
13. 人流涌入商场,寻找着圣诞礼物。
The flow of people poured into the mall, searching for Christmas gifts.
14. 在游乐园,人流络绎不绝,孩子们兴高采烈。
At the amusement park, the flow of people was unceasing, and the children were excited.
15. 人流汇聚在广场上,参加着集会活动。
The crowd gathered in the square, participating in the assembly.
16. 他们穿过拥挤的人流,终于来到了舞台前。
They made their way through the crowded flow of people and finally arrived at the front of the stage.
17. 人流在街头穿梭,形成了一幅繁忙的画面。
The flow of people shuttled through the streets, creating a busy scene.
18. 人流涌向购物中心,寻找着打折商品。
The flow of people surged into the shopping center, looking for discounted items.
19. 在火车站,人流匆匆忙忙,每个人都在寻找自己的车厢。
At the train station, the flow of people hurriedly searched for their own train car.
20. 他们融入了人流,开始了一天的忙碌。
They merged into the flow of people and began a busy day.
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