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1. zhèchǎngzhàndòuguānguójiādecúnwáng

This battle is a matter of life and death for the nation.

2. menzhèngzàiwèigōngdecúnwángérfèndòu

They are fighting for the survival of the company.

3. zhèshǒushùduìdecúnwángzhìguānzhòngyào

This operation is a matter of life and death for him.

4. zhèjuédìngnéngguāndàomendecúnwáng

This decision could be a matter of life and death for us.

5. menmàozheshēngmìngwēixiǎnláidàozhèguójiā

They risked their lives to come to this country.

6. zhèjuédìngjiāngyǐngxiǎngdàomendemìngyùn

This decision will affect our fate.

7. zhànzhēngshíměizhàndòudōuguāndàoguójiādecúnwáng

During war, every battle is a matter of life and death for the country.

8. zàizhèhuāngliángdefāngměixíngdōunéngshìshēngcúnwángdekǎoyàn

In this desolate place, every journey could be a test of life and death.

9. debìngqíngshífēnyánzhòngjīngdàoleshēngcúnwángdeguānjiànshí

His condition is very serious and it's now a matter of life and death.

10. zhèchǎngzāinànduìmendecúnwángzàochéngleyánzhòngyǐngxiǎng

This disaster has had a serious impact on our survival.

11. zàizhèyándehuánjìngzhōngměixuǎndōunéngguāndàoshēngcúnwáng

In this harsh environment, every choice could be a matter of life and death.

12. zhèchǎngqíngduìzhěngrénlèidecúnwángdōugòuchénglewēixié

This epidemic poses a threat to the survival of the entire human race.

13. mencǎixíngdòngfǒumendecúnwángjiāngwēi

We must take action, or our survival will be in jeopardy.

14. miànduìzhètiǎozhànmentuánjiéláifǒumendecúnwángjiāngshòudàowēixié

Faced with this challenge, we must unite, or our survival will be threatened.

15. zhèjuédìngjiāngzhíjiēyǐngxiǎngdàomendeshēngcún

This decision will directly impact our survival.

16. menzàihǎishàngzāoleshēngcúnwángdekǎoyàn

They faced a test of life and death at sea.

17. zhèchǎngzāinànduìmendeshēngcúngòuchéngleyánzhòngwēixié

This disaster poses a serious threat to their survival.

18. zhèxiàngchénggōnghuòshībàijiàngduìmendeshēngcúnchǎnshēngshēnyuǎnyǐngxiǎng

The success or failure of this project will have a profound impact on our survival.

19. menshídàozhèwèndeyánzhòngxìngyīnwèiguāndàomendecúnwáng

We must realize the seriousness of this issue, as it concerns our survival.

20. zàizhèèlièdehuánjìngzhōngměitiāndōushìshēngcúnwángdetiǎozhàn

In this harsh environment, every day is a challenge of life and death.


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