1. 他手持着旌旗,引领着队伍向前冲刺。
He held the flag and led the team forward.
2. 在风中飘扬的旌旗代表着国家的荣耀和尊严。
The fluttering flag represents the glory and dignity of the country.
3. 战士们挥舞着旌旗,壮怀激烈地向敌人冲锋。
The warriors waved the flag and charged fiercely at the enemy.
4. 他们的旌旗上绣着骄人的战绩和功勋。
Their flag is embroidered with proud achievements and merits.
5. 旌旗在风中飘扬,宣示着胜利的到来。
The flag fluttered in the wind, heralding the arrival of victory.
6. 旌旗高高飘扬,激励着士兵们奋勇向前。
The flag flies high, inspiring the soldiers to move forward bravely.
7. 他们的旌旗上绣着一只雄鹰,象征着力量和自由。
Their flag is embroidered with an eagle, symbolizing strength and freedom.
8. 军队的旌旗在夕阳下显得格外威严和庄重。
The military flag looks particularly majestic and solemn in the sunset.
9. 他们的旌旗上镶嵌着宝石,闪烁着耀眼的光芒。
Their flag is set with gems, shining with dazzling light.
10. 旌旗是军队的象征,代表着团结和力量。
The flag is a symbol of the army, representing unity and strength.
11. 他们的旌旗上绘有一幅壮丽的山河图景。
Their flag is painted with a magnificent landscape.
12. 士兵们挥舞着旌旗,高呼着口号,士气高昂。
The soldiers waved the flag, shouting slogans, with high morale.
13. 旌旗在风中猎猎作响,煞是壮观。
The flag fluttered in the wind, making a spectacular sight.
14. 他们的旌旗上绣有一只狮子,象征着勇气和力量。
Their flag is embroidered with a lion, symbolizing courage and strength.
15. 战士们举起旌旗,誓死捍卫家园。
The warriors raised the flag, vowing to defend their homeland to the death.
16. 旌旗是军队的灵魂,激励着士兵们战斗到底。
The flag is the soul of the army, inspiring the soldiers to fight to the end.
17. 他们的旌旗上绣有一只凤凰,寓意着重生和希望。
Their flag is embroidered with a phoenix, symbolizing rebirth and hope.
18. 军队的旌旗在风中迎风招展,威武雄壮。
The military flag flutters in the wind, majestic and magnificent.
19. 旌旗上的图案象征着民族的文化和传统。
The pattern on the flag symbolizes the culture and tradition of the nation.
20. 他们的旌旗上绘有一幅壮丽的日出景象。
Their flag is painted with a magnificent sunrise scene.
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