1. 他在山上狙击敌人。
He sniped at the enemy from the hill.
2. 狙击手潜伏在建筑物的楼顶上。
The sniper lay in wait on the rooftop of the building.
3. 狙击手精准地击中了目标。
The sniper accurately hit the target.
4. 狙击手用望远镜观察目标。
The sniper observed the target through a scope.
5. 狙击手利用隐蔽位置进行狙击。
The sniper used a concealed position for sniping.
6. 狙击手在夜间进行了一次成功的狙击。
The sniper carried out a successful snipe at night.
7. 狙击手需要保持冷静和集中。
A sniper needs to stay calm and focused.
8. 狙击手等待着最佳的瞄准时机。
The sniper waited for the perfect moment to take aim.
9. 狙击手在远距离击中了目标。
The sniper hit the target from a long distance.
10. 这个狙击手是一名优秀的射手。
The sniper is an excellent marksman.
11. 他们派遣了一个狙击小组执行任务。
They deployed a sniper team for the mission.
12. 狙击手悄悄地潜入敌方阵地。
The sniper quietly infiltrated the enemy's position.
13. 狙击手在草丛中隐藏着。
The sniper was hidden in the bushes.
14. 狙击手用沉稳的手势瞄准了目标。
The sniper took steady aim at the target.
15. 狙击手在远处等待着机会。
The sniper waited from afar for an opportunity.
16. 狙击手在高楼上找到了一个完美的位置。
The sniper found a perfect position on the high building.
17. 狙击手的子弹准确地击中了目标。
The sniper's bullet hit the target with precision.
18. 狙击手在暗中观察着敌人的一举一动。
The sniper observed the enemy's every move in the dark.
19. 狙击手在敌人的掩体后面等待着。
The sniper waited behind the enemy's cover.
20. 狙击手已经成为战场上的关键角色。
The sniper has become a key player on the battlefield.
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