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1. duìzhèxiāogǎndàobǎigǎnjiāo

I have mixed feelings about this news.

2. biédeshíhòuxīnzhōngbǎigǎnjiāo

I had mixed feelings when we parted.

3. zàiyǎnjiǎngzhōngbiǎolebǎigǎnjiāodeqíng

He expressed mixed feelings in his speech.

4. miànduìzhèjuédìngxīnzhōngbǎigǎnjiāo

She had mixed feelings about the decision.

5. kāizhèchéngshìyǒubǎigǎnjiāo

I have mixed feelings about leaving this city.

6. duìzhèwèndekànbǎigǎnjiāo

I have mixed feelings about this issue.

7. huíguòbǎigǎnjiāo

He recalled the past with mixed feelings.

8. kàndàomenchénggōngxīnzhōngbǎigǎnjiāo

I have mixed feelings seeing their success.

9. miànduìzhètiǎozhànxīnzhōngbǎigǎnjiāo

I have mixed feelings about this challenge.

10. kāijiāxiāngxīnzhōngbǎigǎnjiāo

I have mixed feelings about leaving my hometown.

11. II have mixed feelings about the decision

12. She left with mixed feelings. (她离开时心情百感交集。)

12. WWatching the sunseta I felt a mix of emotions

14. The news left me with mixed feelings. (这个消息让我心情百感交集。)

13. II have a lot of mixed feelings about this

16. The ending of the movie left me with mixed feelings. (电影的结局让我心情百感交集。)

14. LLeaving home for collegee I felt a mix of excitement and sadness

18. Seeing her old friends again brought a mix of joy and nostalgia. (再次见到她的老朋友,让她感到欢乐和怀旧交集。)

15. TThe performance left the audience with mixed feelings

20. He had mixed feelings about the job offer. (他对这份工作的邀请心情百感交集。)


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