1. 我把衣服都放在柜子里。
I put all my clothes in the wardrobe.
2. 我需要一个新的厨房柜子。
I need a new kitchen cabinet.
3. 她在柜子里找到了她的钥匙。
She found her keys in the cupboard.
4. 这个柜子太重了,我们需要更多的人来帮忙搬。
This cabinet is too heavy, we need more people to help move it.
5. 我的书都堆在柜子里。
My books are all stacked in the bookcase.
6. 我的柜子里有很多旧照片。
There are a lot of old photos in my cabinet.
7. 我的妈妈把餐具都放在橱柜里。
My mom keeps the tableware in the cupboard.
8. 我需要一个有很多抽屉的柜子来存放文件。
I need a cabinet with many drawers to store files.
9. 这个柜子太陈旧了,需要重新漆。
This cabinet is too old, it needs to be repainted.
10. 柜子里的东西太乱了,我需要整理一下。
The things in the cabinet are too messy, I need to tidy up.
11. 我在柜子里找到了我儿子的遗失的书包。
I found my son's lost backpack in the cupboard.
12. 这个柜子的颜色和我的房间装饰风格不搭。
The color of this cabinet doesn't match the decoration style of my room.
13. 柜子上有一层厚厚的灰尘。
There is a thick layer of dust on the cabinet.
14. 我把我的化妆品都放在柜子里。
I keep all my cosmetics in the wardrobe.
15. 柜子上有一个镜子。
There is a mirror on the cabinet.
16. 这个柜子太高了,我够不着顶层的东西。
This cabinet is too tall, I can't reach the top.
17. 这个柜子有很多隔板,可以把东西分门别类地放。
This cabinet has many partitions, so things can be stored in categories.
18. 我把我的鞋子都放在鞋柜里。
I put all my shoes in the shoe cabinet.
19. 这个柜子是我爷爷留下来的,很有年代感。
This cabinet was left by my grandfather, it has a vintage feel.
20. 我需要一个新的衣柜来放我的衣服。
I need a new wardrobe to store my clothes.
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