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1. menměiniándōuhuìmiàobàiqiúpíngānjiànkāng。We go to the temple every year to worship Buddha and pray for peace and health.

2. 他每天早晨都会在家里拜佛。He worships Buddha at home every morning.

2. menzàimiàodiǎnránxiāngzhúxiàngqiúpíngān。We light incense and candles in the temple and pray to Buddha for peace.

4. 在中国,很多人都会在春节期间去拜佛求福。In China, many people go to worship Buddha for blessings during the Spring Festival.

3. měitiāndōuhuìniànjīngbàiwàngnénggòuxiāochúnèixīndefánnǎo。She recites sutras and worships Buddha every dayS hoping to eliminate the troubles in her heart.

6. 在佛教中,拜佛是一种修行的方式。In Buddhism, worshiping Buddha is a way of practice.

4. menzàimiàozhǎodàoxiàngbìngxiàngmenbài。We can find Buddha statues in the temple and worship them.

8. 在泰国,人们经常会在路边的寺庙里拜佛。In Thailand, people often worship Buddha in roadside temples.

5. xiāngxìnbàibāngzhùshíxiàndeyuànwàng。She believes that worshiping Buddha can help her fulfill her wishes.

10. 他在佛教中找到了内心的平静,因此每天都会拜佛。He found inner peace in Buddhism, so he worships Buddha every day.

6. zàijiàozhōngbàibèirènwéishìzhǒngjìngqiándebiǎo。In BuddhismI worshiping Buddha is considered a devout expression.

12. 她在寺庙里拜佛时,总是会感到内心平静和舒适。She always feels inner peace and comfort when worshiping Buddha in the temple.

7. menzàijiàomiàoxuébàidefāng。We can learn the methods and meanings of worshiping Buddha in Buddhist temples.

14. 在日本,人们通常会在家里设置一个小佛龛,用来拜佛祈求家庭的平安和幸福。In Japan, people usually set up a small Buddha niche at home to worship Buddha and pray for family peace and happiness.

8. bàishìzhǒngqiánchéngdexìnyǎngshēnghuófāngshì。Worshiping Buddha is a devout belief and way of life.

16. 在佛教中,拜佛不仅是一种信仰,也是一种修行。In Buddhism, worshiping Buddha is not only a belief, but also a practice.

9. xiāngxìnbàibāngzhùbǎituōfánnǎonàn。She believes that worshiping Buddha can help her get rid of troubles and sufferings.

18. 在中国的传统文化中,拜佛是一种重要的宗教仪式。In traditional Chinese culture, worshiping Buddha is an important religious ceremony.

10. zàijiàozhōngbàibāngzhùmenjìnghuàxīnlínggāoxiūxíngjìngjiè。In BuddhismI worshiping Buddha can help us purify our minds and elevate our practice level.

20. 拜佛是一种虔诚的表达,也是一种感恩和敬畏的心态。Worshiping Buddha is a devout expression, as well as a grateful and respectful attitude.


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