1. 他在派对上纵情狂欢。
He indulged himself in revelry at the party.
2. 她纵情地笑了出来。
She burst into laughter with abandon.
3. 他在美景中纵情享受。
He indulged in the beautiful scenery.
4. 她纵情地跳舞,没有任何顾虑。
She danced with abandon, without any inhibitions.
5. 他纵情地吃了一顿大餐。
He indulged himself in a big meal.
6. 她纵情地唱起了歌。
She sang with abandon.
7. 他纵情地享受着自己的成功。
He indulged in his own success.
8. 她纵情地沉浸在音乐中。
She immersed herself in the music with abandon.
9. 他纵情地游泳,享受着水的清凉。
He swam with abandon, enjoying the coolness of the water.
10. 她纵情地表达了自己的情感。
She expressed her emotions with abandon.
11. 他纵情地玩耍,完全没有顾虑。
He played with abandon, without any inhibitions.
12. 她纵情地享受着阳光和海滩。
She indulged in the sunshine and the beach.
13. 他纵情地喝了一杯酒。
He indulged in a drink.
14. 她纵情地享受着自己的爱情。
She indulged in her own love.
15. 他纵情地奔跑,享受着自由的感觉。
He ran with abandon, enjoying the feeling of freedom.
16. 她纵情地阅读,沉浸在故事中。
She read with abandon, immersed in the story.
17. 他纵情地享受着美食和美酒。
He indulged in delicious food and wine.
18. 她纵情地跳进水里,享受着清凉的感觉。
She jumped into the water with abandon, enjoying the coolness.
19. 他纵情地旅行,探索着世界的美景。
He indulged in traveling, exploring the beauty of the world.
20. 她纵情地欣赏着艺术作品。
She indulged in appreciating works of art.
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