1. 他陷入了绝路,不知道该如何是好。
He found himself at a dead end and didn't know what to do.
2. 这条小路通向一条绝路。
This path leads to a dead end.
3. 经济危机让公司走上了绝路。
The economic crisis led the company down a dead end.
4. 他们的关系已经走到了绝路。
Their relationship has reached a dead end.
5. 我们陷入了绝路,不知道该往哪里走了。
We're at a dead end and don't know which way to go.
6. 这条路通往了绝路。
This road leads to a dead end.
7. 他们发现自己陷入了绝路。
They found themselves at a dead end.
8. 经济衰退使得公司陷入了绝路。
The economic downturn led the company to a dead end.
9. 我们需要找到一条新的出路,否则就会陷入绝路。
We need to find a new way out, or we'll end up at a dead end.
10. 这个问题已经陷入了绝路。
This problem has reached a dead end.
11. 经济衰退使得公司陷入了绝路。
The economic downturn led the company to a dead end.
12. 我们的讨论陷入了绝路,找不到解决办法。
Our discussion reached a dead end, and we couldn't find a solution.
13. 他们的计划最终走向了绝路。
Their plan ultimately led to a dead end.
14. 我们需要避免走向绝路。
We need to avoid reaching a dead end.
15. 这个决定可能会让我们陷入绝路。
This decision could lead us to a dead end.
16. 我们不应该被困在绝路上。
We shouldn't be stuck at a dead end.
17. 那条路通向了绝路。
That road leads to a dead end.
18. 这个问题没有解决办法,一直走向了绝路。
There's no solution to this problem; it's been leading to a dead end all along.
19. 我们需要找到一条新的出路,否则就会陷入绝路。
We need to find a new way out, or we'll end up at a dead end.
20. 这个问题已经陷入了绝路。
This problem has reached a dead end.
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