1. 他们信仰伊斯兰教。
They adhere to the Islamic faith.
2. 他们每周日去教堂做礼拜。
They go to church for worship every Sunday.
3. 佛教教义强调慈悲和慈爱。
Buddhist doctrine emphasizes compassion and love.
4. 基督徒相信耶稣基督是他们的救主。
Christians believe that Jesus Christ is their savior.
5. 他们在寺庙里燃香拜佛。
They burn incense and worship Buddha in the temple.
6. 伊斯兰教徒每天都要做五次礼拜。
Muslims pray five times a day.
7. 维多利亚时代的英国人多数信奉基督教。
Most people in Victorian England were Christians.
8. 他们在宗教仪式中献上祈祷。
They offer prayers during religious rituals.
9. 佛教徒视禅修为一种修行方式。
Buddhists see meditation as a form of spiritual practice.
10. 信仰犹太教的人们庆祝逾越节。
People who follow Judaism celebrate Passover.
11. 宗教自由是一项基本人权。
Freedom of religion is a fundamental human right.
12. 他们在清真寺里听宗教领袖的讲道。
They listen to religious leaders' sermons in the mosque.
13. 佛教徒相信轮回转世的概念。
Buddhists believe in the concept of reincarnation.
14. 他们在教堂里唱诗颂神。
They sing hymns to praise God in the church.
15. 宗教信仰可以给人们带来内心的安宁和平静。
Religious beliefs can bring inner peace and tranquility to people.
16. 他们在圣地亚哥朝圣之旅中体验到了宗教的力量。
They experienced the power of religion during their pilgrimage to Santiago.
17. 信徒们在寺庙里燃香祈祷。
Worshipers burn incense and pray in the temple.
18. 宗教活动在这个社区中占据着重要地位。
Religious activities hold a significant place in this community.
19. 他们在教堂里参加了一场宗教仪式。
They participated in a religious ceremony at the church.
20. 宗教对个人和社会都有重要的影响。
Religion has a significant impact on individuals and society.
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