1. 他在床上反侧了一下,找到了一个舒服的姿势。
He turned over in bed and found a comfortable position.
2. 她反侧着身子,试图找到一个更舒适的睡姿。
She rolled over, trying to find a more comfortable sleeping position.
3. 在睡觉时,我经常会反侧数次才能入睡。
I often toss and turn before I can fall asleep.
4. 他在床上反侧了一下,继续沉睡。
He turned over in bed and continued to sleep soundly.
5. 她反侧着身子,试图摆脱不适的感觉。
She turned over, trying to shake off the uncomfortable feeling.
6. 我们可以尝试反侧一下,也许能减轻一些压力。
We could try turning over, maybe it will relieve some of the pressure.
7. 她在沙发上反侧了一下,舒展了一下身体。
She turned over on the sofa, stretching her body.
8. 他反侧了一下,试图找到一个更好的睡姿。
He rolled over, trying to find a better sleeping position.
9. 没有找到合适的睡姿,她一直在床上反侧。
Unable to find a comfortable sleeping position, she tossed and turned in bed.
10. 我总是在床上反侧,很难入睡。
I always toss and turn in bed, finding it hard to fall asleep.
11. 我试图在床上反侧,但依然无法找到一个舒服的姿势。
I tried to turn over in bed, but still couldn't find a comfortable position.
12. 他在沙发上反侧了一下,伸展了一下身体。
He turned over on the sofa, stretching his body.
13. 她反侧了一下,试图缓解背部的疼痛。
She turned over, trying to relieve the pain in her back.
14. 我总是在床上反侧,很难入睡。
I always toss and turn in bed, finding it hard to fall asleep.
15. 我试图在床上反侧,但依然无法找到一个舒服的姿势。
I tried to turn over in bed, but still couldn't find a comfortable position.
16. 他在沙发上反侧了一下,伸展了一下身体。
He turned over on the sofa, stretching his body.
17. 她反侧了一下,试图缓解背部的疼痛。
She turned over, trying to relieve the pain in her back.
18. 在翻来覆去地反侧后,我终于找到了一个舒适的睡姿。
After tossing and turning, I finally found a comfortable sleeping position.
19. 他在床上反侧了一下,然后闭上了眼睛。
He turned over in bed and closed his eyes.
20. 她反侧着身子,试图找到一个更舒适的睡姿。
She rolled over, trying to find a more comfortable sleeping position.
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