首页 汉字



1. zhèjiāshìguóyǒuyóuzhèngquányōngyǒu

This company is a state-owned enterprise, fully owned by the government.

2. zhèpiànshìguóyǒushǔguójiāsuǒyǒu

This land is state-owned land, owned by the state.

3. guóyǒuchǎnyīnggāidàoyǒuxiàodebǎoguǎn

State-owned assets should be effectively protected and managed.

4. zhèjiāyínhángshìguóyǒuyínhángyóuzhèngkòng

This bank is a state-owned bank, with the government holding a controlling stake.

5. guóyǒuzàiguójiājīngzhōnghuīzhuózhòngyàozuòyòng

State-owned enterprises play an important role in the national economy.

6. zhèjiākuàngshānshìguóyǒukuàngshānyóuguójiāsuǒyǒu

This mine is a state-owned mine, owned by the state.

7. guóyǒudegǎizhǎnshìdāngqiándezhòngyàorèn

The reform and development of state-owned enterprises are important tasks at present.

8. zhègǎngkǒushìguóyǒugǎngkǒuyóuzhèngguǎn

This port is a state-owned port, managed by the government.

9. guóyǒuchǎndeliúshīyàodàoyánkòngzhì

The loss of state-owned assets needs to be strictly controlled.

10. zhèjiāgōngshìguóyǒugōngyóuzhèngzhíjiēguǎn

This company is a state-owned company, directly managed by the government.

11. guóyǒuyuándekāizūnshǒuxiāngguānguī

The development of state-owned land resources needs to comply with relevant laws and regulations.

12. zhèzuòqiáoshìguóyǒuqiáoliángyóuzhèngwéi

This bridge is a state-owned bridge, maintained by the government.

13. guóyǒuyīnggāixíngshèhuìrèn

State-owned enterprises should actively fulfill their social responsibilities.

14. zhèjiāgōngchǎngshìguóyǒugōngchǎngyóuguójiāsuǒyǒu

This factory is a state-owned factory, owned by the state.

15. guóyǒuchǎndepèizhìyàozūnxúnshìchǎnghuàyuán

The allocation of state-owned assets needs to follow market principles.

16. zhèjiāhángkōnggōngshìguóyǒuhángkōnggōngyóuzhèngkòng

This airline is a state-owned airline, with the government holding a controlling stake.

17. guóyǒudegǎiyàochūxiàodǎoxiàng

The reform of state-owned enterprises needs to focus on efficiency orientation.

18. zhèpiànsēnlínshìguóyǒusēnlínyóuzhèngguǎnbǎo

This forest is a state-owned forest, managed and protected by the government.

19. guóyǒudejìngzhēngyàoduànshēng

The competitiveness of state-owned enterprises needs to be continuously improved.

20. zhèjiādiàngōngshìguóyǒudiàngōngyóuguójiāsuǒyǒu

This power company is a state-owned power company, owned by the state.


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