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1. juédezhèjuédìngtàihǎo

I personally think this decision is not very good.

2. qǐngyàojièdeshìqíng

Please don't interfere in my personal matters.

3. huānxíng

Personally, I love traveling.

4. juédezhèyángèngshì

I personally think this color suits me better.

5. rènwéizhèshìhǎozhǔ

I personally think this is a good idea.

6. tàihuānzhèzhǒngshí

Personally, I don't really like this type of food.

7. juédezhèdiànyǐnghěnliáo

I personally find this movie very boring.

8. deshíjiānfēichángbǎoguì

My personal time is very valuable.

9. dejiārénduìláishuōhěnzhòngyào

My family is very important to me personally.

10. rènwéizhèwènyīnggāiyóuzhuānjiāláijiějué

I personally think this issue should be handled by experts.

11. demèngxiǎngshìchéngwéimíngzuòjiā

My personal dream is to become a writer.

12. juédezhèshìhěnhǎodehuì

I personally think this is a great opportunity.

13. huānbèibiéréngānshè

I don't like others interfering in my personal matters.

14. dekànnénghuìyǒusuǒtóng

My personal opinion may be different.

15. dexìnniànshìmenyīnggāixiāngbāngzhù

My personal belief is that we should help each other.

16. huānzhèzhǒngfēn

I personally don't like this atmosphere.

17. juédezhèhuàyàoxiēgǎijìn

I personally think this plan needs some improvement.

18. dexiǎngshìjiàngèngměihǎodeshèhuì

My personal ideal is to create a better society.

19. debiāoshìchéngwéichénggōngdeshāngrén

My personal goal is to become a successful businessperson.

20. rènwéizhèshìfēichángzhòngyàodewèn

I personally think this is a very important issue.


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