1. 逝者安息。
The deceased rest in peace.
2. 我们怀念逝者。
We remember the departed.
3. 逝者的离去给我们留下了巨大的悲伤。
The passing of the deceased has left us with great sadness.
4. 逝者的家人和朋友需要我们的支持和慰问。
The family and friends of the deceased need our support and condolences.
5. 逝者的离去让我们感到深深的悲伤。
The passing of the deceased has left us deeply saddened.
6. 我们将永远怀念逝者。
We will always remember the departed.
7. 逝者的离去是一个巨大的损失。
The passing of the deceased is a great loss.
8. 逝者留下了深刻的印记。
The deceased left a profound impression.
9. 我们为逝者默哀一分钟。
We observe a minute of silence for the deceased.
10. 逝者留下了许多美好的回忆。
The deceased left behind many beautiful memories.
11. 我们对逝者的离去感到悲痛。
We mourn the passing of the deceased.
12. 逝者的离去给我们敲响了警钟。
The passing of the deceased has sounded an alarm for us.
13. 逝者的家人需要我们的慰问和支持。
The family of the deceased needs our condolences and support.
14. 我们对逝者表示深切的哀悼。
We express our deepest condolences to the deceased.
15. 逝者将永远活在我们的记忆中。
The deceased will live on in our memories forever.
16. 我们永远不会忘记逝者。
We will never forget the departed.
17. 逝者的离去让我们感到无比悲伤。
The passing of the deceased has left us immensely saddened.
18. 逝者的离去给我们带来了巨大的伤痛。
The passing of the deceased has brought us great pain.
19. 我们将永远怀念逝者的美好品质。
We will always remember the deceased's wonderful qualities.
20. 逝者的离去让我们感到无比的悲痛和悲伤。
The passing of the deceased has left us with immense grief and sadness.
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